As I mentioned last week, I’ve assembled a Google reader that tracks blog posts from most (I’m up to about 42) states, so that if you’re inspired, you can see what fellow bloggers with the misfortune not to live in MA are up to. The clip running just above the blog roll on the left-hand sidebar shows the seven most recent posts. It’s very interesting reading, and I hope you’ll take a minute or two now and then to check it out.
And now for the next step in our unending quest to make MA’s blog readers the best informed in the world: the weekly roundup! Over the weekend, I skimmed the many hundreds of posts that our fellow bloggers churned out last week and selected a few highlights that seemed to me to give out-of-staters an interesting window on what’s going on in local politics around the country. Here is my list — it features posts from MT, MN, TX, MO, NE, LA, NM, DE, CT, IA, AL, WV, and RI. I do love this one, from the excellent Burnt Orange Report in Texas:
Rick Perry Double Reverse OH SNAP Attacks Kay Bailey Hutchison
You have to admire Rick Perry’s campaign team. Sen. Hutchison tries so hard to roll out her campaign over and over, and when she finally gets around to trying to attack Rick Perry with Perry’s tactical campaign attacks on her- he OWNS them and puts her attack video on one of his campaign website properties.
And then the other shoe drops- and Perry asks the Texas Ethics Commission how they should report Hutchison’s attack video as an in-kind contribution.
The Perry campaign writes to election officials: “This video amounts to a highlight reel of her disastrous announcement tour. We feel it is beneficial to our campaign and have posted it on a website … Because we have posted this video, paid for by Texans for Kay Bailey Hutchison, I write you for clarification of the reporting rules for in-kind contributions to our campaign and to determine if this video qualifies as an in-kind contribution that should be reported as such. I am not certain of a dollar amount for the video but would be willing to report it as ‘priceless.'”
OH SNAP GIRL, Perry just brought it. Care to parry Perry now Senator?
I hope you’ll take a minute to check it out and let me know what you think. Is this a useful service? Is it something that you would look forward to, if we started doing it regularly?
What a tremendous idea. It’s just what the blogosphere has been crying out for: a pithy summary of the top stories from the progressive blogosphere delivered in a neat bite-sized morsel once a week.
p>My hat is off to you, sir.
I enjoyed it.