Update – Balser 36.1%, Warren with 30.6% — 15,812 Votes, onto November (
*one Precinct left to report)
Any word from Newton BMG’ers regarding today’s election?
I am predicting a Balser, Warren final. Balser in the first slot by 8 points today.
Polls closed just a few minutes ago… what are people hearing?
Please share widely!
Balser by 700 votes – give or take
and I happen to like the guy’s actions politically (I don’t know him personally).
p>I wonder: will he back Mr. Warren or Rep. Balser or neither? I’m not sure that his voters are the kind to be “disciplined” in terms of endorsements, since after all that’s part of the way they found Mr. Parker in the first place.
p>Still, the margin was under 1000 votes, and the three candidates who neither won nor placed garnered 5000, led by Mr. Parker’s 2400. Methinks Rep. Balser is in really good shape if Mr. Parker backs her; if he backs Mr. Setti the race is wide open.
p>P.S. How are the candidates on Newton’s green issues? I’m glad you asked!