Just received this email from boldprogressives.org
Last night, Keith Olbermann led his show talking about the PCCC’s latest campaign:
“More than 200 former Obama staffers, 13,000 Obama volunteers, 23,000 Obama donors on a petition: A bill without a public option would not be ‘change we can believe in.'”
And those numbers are increasing! All weekend, former Obama organizers are putting their skills to use — calling and emailing other Obama organizers to get them involved in this campaign.
Will you add your voice to theirs — and join the thousands of Obama voters, donors, and organizers who still believe we can defeat the insurance interests and bring real change to the health care system?
Please click here to sign the petition.
Then, please forward this email to friends. Time is of the essence. This Wednesday, President Obama will speak to Congress about his health care priorities.
We’re making a national ad that will highlight the voices of former Obama staffers who want the public option — and it will include the number of petition signers. So let’s get the number as high as possible.
We need to make sure President Obama (and any White House staff urging him to capitulate) knows that the overwhelming majority of Americans want a public option — and that includes those who worked hardest to get him elected.
Can you add your name to the petition?
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
— Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Michael Snook, Evan Miller, Andrew Perez, and the PCCC team
If Obama and Congress cave on the public option, then that means the the money flowing in from special interests has worked. We’ve got to stop the special interests from controlling our government. No public option means the health care corporations have won, and could continue to pillage the American people. A public option is the only way to force corporate insurers into working for the people, instead working for billion dollar profits.
If you agree, please sign the petition.
Thank you!