From the New York Times/CBS poll out Thursday evening:
“Would you favor or oppose the government offering everyone a government administered health insurance plan — something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get — that would compete with private health insurance plans?”
Favor 65%
Oppose 26%
According to the poll, support for a public option has jumped 5 points since late August and opposition to it has dropped 8 points. More here.
Please share widely!
But I’m not taking the shot.
Schumer And Rockefeller: We Will Get Public Option
Other polls similarly worded to the one you cite also indicate support. JohnD within the last couple days cited a Rasmussen poll that asked whether people support “Obama’s plan” which came up negative. I think we’re seeing the phenomenon we saw with the Clintons, where people agreed with the proposals on the merits, but with the personal negativity coming out against the President they were reluctant to support “his” plan.
but even teabaggers at the Washington rally expressed support for the idea of expanding a Medicare type program to be available for more people.
Hadn’t heard that. Just for the record, do you have a link or something for that?
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I’ll take your word for it that the guy being interviewed is saying he’d be in favor of this, but I can’t play video on dialup so I hadn’t seen/heard it.