A great day in Boston with 1,000 of my closest friends. The poor sound system reduced this to crowd shots, etc., but you can find the news reports elsewhere.
It was fun to see Charlie and other stalwarts later at Champions. Now we’re all waiting to see what the MSM coverage is like…
Please share widely!
Sorry I didn’t make it to Champions, but I couldn’t get out of a work assignment.
p>Very much fun. I loved Mike Capuano stepping out in front of the podium with his big voice and straight talk.
You take your total and quintuple it? “What do we want…when do we want it…..” how much more last century can you get? Not impressed. I hope you all had a nice walk, it was a beautiful day. I’ll be at the state house Wednesday.
I don’t know what you’re referring to, but if it’s attendance, you are accusing shiltone of drastically inflating “more than 1,000” to…1,000. Not impressed, indeed.
Was it only 1000? I would have thought 3000-5000.
I’m not good at judging such things, but I definitely would have guessed well north of 1,000.
Believe me, I tried to get the crowd to chant the following…
p>”What do we want?”
p>”A true public option that will reduce costs by negotiating rates with providers and pharmaceutical manufacturers, and an end to the practice of disqualifying members for preexisting conditions!”
p>”When do we want it?”
p>”As soon as the House and Senate bills can be resolved in committee, or by reconciliation!”
p>…but it doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, I guess.
p>Try not to be too despondent about the improvement in your quality of life (and everyone else’s) if we get our way. And you got your centuries wrong; we’re merely trying to bring this country’s health care system from the 19th into the 20th century.
I suppose you can yell, “What do we want? – health care!”, but that really doesn’t say much. It seems the fate of progressives is to promote policies that don’t fit neatly onto bumper stickers or into iambic pentameters.
I am trying to get the post pictures thing right. I was touched by the personal stories of the people I met, and some of the handmade signs were great. I especially liked the “Jesus cured pre-existing conditions” and several other home made signs that I will try and post. I won’t be there Wednesday – I have to work – but my husband may well be there due to his “involuntary sabbatical”.
His sign said “Prosthetic are not a Luxury”. A woman with him said he is going to testify in DC next week. They came to the rally to meet Tierney. Very impressive kid.
Photo from rally
so I still hope to learn how to embed photos for the visceral impact of the image being “right there” and the viewer not having to click on a link and get it!
Started the morning with visibility for Coakley, then enjoyed the bands (great idea, organizers) and speeches at the rally.