Bay Windows has reported a claim of police harassment of gay men in the Back Bay Fens, intended to deter “gay cruising” activity there. In the story, available here:… Boston City Council President Mike Ross seems to confirm that the police are targeting gay men perceived to be fraternizing in order to address problems with litter and vandalism. The Anti-Violence Project has observed that police activity targeting gay men who assemble for non-criminal purposes on public lands can lead to instances of interference with citizen rights of access.
Don Gorton, Chair of the Anti-Violence Project, has requested a meeting with Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis to discuss the reports in Bay Windows. The Anti-Violence Project is concerned that it was not consulted as police planned the current sweeps of the Back Bay Fens, given the group’s longstanding involvement in resolving problems connected with use of public lands by men attracted to other men. It is not clear that sensible prophylactic measures were employed to ensure that civil rights and diversity would be respected as the police increased their presence in a park area popular with gay men. Violations of the rights of citizens protected under G.L. c 272, §§ 92A and 98 were a foreseeable possibility.
Gorton said that the AVP was drawing no conclusions about the truth of the reports in Bay Windows. The AVP is seeking an explanation of the Fens operation, heightened attention to civil rights, and assurances of improved consultation in the future. According to Gorton, “men who fraternize with other men are protected against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation in access to parks and recreation areas. Police cannot legally ‘broom the gays out’ like they used to, though some officers may cling to old ways. Effective precautions must be taken against the possibility of selective enforcement and discrimination in the Fens operation already underway”
bean-in-the-burbs says
john-hosty-grinnell says
I missed reading this in BW so I’m glad you brought it here. I don’t mind them trying to do something about the illegal activity but they have to do it the right way, which means all good citizens can go about their business unmolested.