Howie Carr is so in the tank for his friend Scott Brown. I bet the national repubs are looking at Scott Brown and asking “Is he retarded? Who else do we have? Andy Card? Better than this mannequin.”
As I said before Scott Brown is the only guy I have ever opined ‘nice house, nobody home’.
And why does he call into talk shows uninvited to offer his bland opinions?
Martha Coakley is the favorite to win. But do not underestimate Steve Lynch. I love this guy’s politics. He’s not afraid to go against the wind. He even had the union guys booing him the other night. This guy could appeal to whole slew of people. As more voters become aware of his record he will win votes from people who previously never cared for him.
Lynch beat an incumbent, Paul Gannon, for the Southie rep. seat. Gannon had defeated Mike Flaherty, Sr two years before. Flaherty was there for 25 years and Gannon saw an opportunity and grabbed it. Two years later the Flaherty’s put up Steve Lynch he won.
Soon after Whitey gets indicted and brother Billy leaves the Senate for U.Mass. A special election is called and naturally Lynch runs. Bill Bulger, Jr. and Pat Loftus, (a southie lawyer whose dad lost to Bulger years before – he got in the race to split the vote and screw the Bulgers – nothing wrong with that) threw their hats in the ring. It looked like a show down between Lynch and Bulger. Signs were everywhere. Families were divided. Blah blah blah.
But young Bulger had two things going against him;
1. The who the hell does he/they thing he/they is/are attitude. The general consensus was he should step aside and let Lynch win the seat then run for his rep. seat.
2. Whitey wasn’t around to make phone calls and talk to people making sure everything was copasetic and his considerable block of votes would be delivered.(without being asked btw – no conspiracy – just family) This time around only Billy Sr. made phone calls but he wasn’t Senate Prez anymore. What have you done for me lately?
Of course the events were more about Bily Sr. then Billy Jr.
Now comes election day and somehow Billy Jr. got less votes then he had house signs. People with Bulger buttons, signs and bumper stickers voted for Lynch.
Big lessons in that campaign. It should be a case study at JFK School.
Much like Whitey was not around to impose his will upon a large voting block Ted Kennedy is not around to do the same thing for a Kennedy running for anything. That is what makes them vulnerable. Unfortunately Capuano is a big underdog so we probably won’t get to see this theory played out in the Eighth with Joe Kennedy’s kid.
Tell me a call from Teddy doesn’t get the average local and state pol in line. The same call from Joe kennedy? What are you, kidding me? Vickie? Highly doubt it.
The fun part about the senate race is the trickle down. Not to mention the state wide offices that might be available next September.
Reps and senators are looking at each other funny. if Martha Coakley wins who gets the AG job? Majority Leader Jim Vallee of Ways and Means Chair Charley Murphy are the front runners. I sure they are looking at each other cross eyed. It has to go to a house member. That’s just the way it is. Nothing against Gerry Leone et al. But someHouse member won’t be happy.
Then of course if Lynch or Capuano win there will be a whole slew of reps and seantors running. These two seats take up all of Boston. So if either one wins there will be a hodge podge of candidates. These specials stir up some bad blood among members. They all run, one wins, then all the others go back to the job they tried to escape from. They’re usually not happy and everyone is to blame but them. This makes for great dynamics in the legislature.(It’s my understanding that the time frame of the senate race will make a special necessary rather than wait to Sept/Dec for scheduled primary/election)
Right now final details are being worked out between Deval, Murray and DeLeo regarding gambling legislation. We can all be assured that 90% of the bill that comes out will have been previously agreed to by the three amigos.
Let’s see how strong the progressives really are. How man y will fold and do exactly as the Speaker or Denate prez wants? Walz, Kaufman, Lewis, Wolfe, Brownberger, etc. let’s see how tough they really are.
It’s amazing how so few people are going to make so much money from legalized gambling.
Of course Petro must be sweating big time. Results matter Petro and nobody wants to hear excuses.
How much money did the horse track people funnel to the anti dog racing crowd? Suddenly we went from four tracks that could have slots to two. I wouldn’t have blamed them if they did.
Perhaps the NY Times is not selling the Globe now because of the extremely low bids they received. The NYT good name would come down many more pegs if they sell the established Globe at a fire sale price. This case study ending with the sale could be the icon for incompetents in the buy and grow and buy and grow corporate culture of the past years.
Is anyone interested in finding out what happened at Chappaquiddick. We know it didn’t happen the way Teddy says it did. But The Globe wants us to forget about it and never bring it up again. Last week they editorialized
While questions about Chappaquiddick may continue to inspire Kennedy skeptics and conspiracy theorists, the mystery dies with him.
Teddy’s gone. For crissake former KGB officers talk now. So can’t those who previously wouldn’t because of Teddy now be more inclined to get the truth out?
The Globe; the paper that took a sudden reverse and endorsed casino gambling on orders from the NYT corporate boys. (BTW I wonder if Renee Lott will be writing about casino gambling in the coming months – she moved from editorial to columnist. Renee was very upset about the NYT gambling orders)
The Globe; the paper that refuses to post the Gates Crowley police report yet posts massive amounts of bull shit regarding it.
The Globe; the paper that negotiated with the Kennedy’s regarding the story of Teddy’s college cheating. Since that time they have been a wholly owned subsidiary of Camelot, Inc.
The Globe; the paper that’s final word on Chappaquiddick is to ‘forget about it, how could we ever learn the truth now?’ Chappaquiddick, an event that had it not happened Kennedy most likely would have been president and history would be different.
The Globe; the paper that thinks it is kidding everyone but really only kidding themselves.
Ya gotta love the recent Herald story of John Henry’s new hot young wife taken over the place. She’s already forced out a high powered female Sox exec.
Hmmm, Larry Lucchino does not know how to deal with this problem. Ordinarily he would pull some scum bag move to make her look bad, then drop dimes and fake stories to his chosen few and send the person packing.
But this is different. This is the bosses wife. An Italian too. Marone! She’s not afraid of him. Shit, this can’t be good for Larry. Will she be whispering in John Henry’s ear about Larry? say the things that Theo and others wish they could say.
Oh, Janet Marie Smith … what does she know? :-!
Awesome post Ernie
Lynch’s stand on health care will cost him some union endorsements and Martha Coakley looks to be picking up support from labor.
It would take someone with more Harvard degrees than I have and more inside scoops than Ernie has to figure out just what the heck Lynch’s position is on healthcare reform.
No, I’m really not that interested in Chappaquiddick.
The Yes on 3 campaign received no support from any gambling interests at all.
p>Not Suffolk Downs, nor anyone else.
I mean how the hell do you know? Suffok Downs wasn’t going to call you up and ask who they should make the check out to. These people know how to move money through shills. No benefit and only risk in exposing themselves to you.
p>Use your head man.
I know because I effectively served as campaign manager.
p>Ernie, your perspective on this is a great example of Massachusetts politics. Everything is a deal. Everything is a cynical ploy.
p>That is one reason why the Greyhound Protection Act passed, because the dog tracks never realized that it was a true grassroots effort, and underestimated it from the beginning.
Everything a deal? what does your answer have to do with me suggesting that a portion of the money yu raised may have come from people interested in seeing the tracks close for reasons other than protecting the dogs.
p>Man are you smug and naive.