The collection of “moonbats”.
Dr. Morris…
Dr. Eisenstein
Dr. A True Ott’s litigation…
More resource links at labvirus.
Cathrine Austin Fitts
But why do I persist? Well it was Eisenhower who warned us of the military-industrial complex. Well from the G20 protests which didn’t really happen the MIC, well you could replace the M or use Orwellian doublespeak Illuminati symbolism interchangably. Medical/Military!
Obviously the 269 million Google hits on the keyword New World Order just don’t exist. Nor does the surge in Verichip stock after it’s agreement with Receptors LLC.
The other source of distrust does come from my solid 911 MIHOP status. Yes I am admitting a bias here. From that stance “news” from ABC,CBS,MSNBC or any conventional media source I block out much like McAffe filters out the viruses of you computer. I left Jr. High School years ago and think water boarding might be much more fun.
Mike Adams escaped to Ecquador. He naturalist blog does sound like Camelot, I wish I could go too.
think of the fun you and the cadre of foilers listed above will have when you all hunker down in a bunker somewhere in the Svalbard archipelago to ride out the end times. Bet they’re a riveting bunch–and imagine the endless hours of storytelling! Bring a jacket, though–it’s cold up there.