Representative Joe Wilson (R) South Carolina is the FACE of the Republican Party.
This Redneck scum is the AH who shouted out “LIAR” as The President of The United States was speaking before a joint session of Congress tonight.
If you want a picture of the Republican Party it is Representative Joe Wilson.
We will remember that Republican Redneck when the Republicans ask for our vote.
Wilson is the FACE of the REPUBLICAN PARTY and it is covered with scum !
Please share widely!
neilsagan says
bostonshepherd says
but given that progressives are generally hypocritical — it’s okay to throw catcalls at Bush, but not Obama — this video probably won’t be of interest.
p>I agree with Joe Wilson’s analysis of the President’s veracity although consider his outburst impolitic.
bill-from-dartmouth says
OK, Shep. Given that every proposed bill specifically prohibits participation by those not legally residing here, on what objective reality do you dispute what the President said?
bostonshepherd says
I have HR 3200 in front of me. I cannot find:
p>(1) any mention of eligibility based upon immigration status, or
(2) a specific mechanism mandating legal disclosure of one’s immigration status.
p>The only provision in HR 3200 specifically denying illegal immigrants anything is under Section 242 defining “Affordable Credit Eligible Individual”, page 132, line 19, and again in Section 246, page 143, line 7
p>There is no specific prohibition of illegal immigrants, undocumented aliens, or persons unlawfully in the US, unless I have missed it.
p>BOTTOM LINE: no prohibition of illegal immigrants, undocumented aliens, or persons unlawfully in the US.
p>I suggest this means President Obama is LYING.
kirth says
You must be reading the redacted Republican version.
p>Look here.
bostonshepherd says
Section 242 means no “affordability credits”.
p>It does not mean that illegals are prohibited from coverage under a public option.
p>The affordability credit is a sliding subsidy for plan participants under 400% of the poverty level. Illegals, if they’re ever asked about their status, would not be eligible for these subsidized credits.
p>Obama never said “free health care.”
p>He said, quote: “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.” Unquote.
p>Isn’t this f-ing clear?
medfieldbluebob says
Here’s the skinny on the issue, from the PolitiFact link above (which calls the congressman WRONG):
p>This analysis comes from the group FAIR which proclaims its purpose as:
p>Not what I would call a bleeding heart liberal bunch.
p>You’re right, the law doesn’t say much about immigration status; or hair color, eye color, marital status, or favorite ice cream flavor either. Healthcare has a tradition (and in many cases a legal requirement) to treat people, regardless of things like immigration status or ability to pay. That may offend screaming bloodthirsty teabagging nut jobs. But its a more humane and ethical way to treat people, like real people instead of rabid dogs.
p>The only mention of immigration status is the section quoted above which deals with the government credits to help people pay for their insurance. They can’t get those credits.
p>But, if they want to pay for it themselves, they can. They can buy health insurance now. The law will not give anything to illegal immigrants they don’t have now. Not sure why people paying for something is wrong, but that’s just me.
p>Illegal immigrants are not getting free healthcare under the proposed law. They’ll probably pay more for health insurance than that screaming idiot Wilson does for his.
p>Stick that in your teabag and smoke it. And TURN OFF THE CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!
sue-kennedy says
That because the Obama plan prohibits insurers from caps on claims and pre-existing conditions, that the millions of illegal aliens that currently have health insurance would benefit?
p>Under that same theory any proposed federal highway plan that does not specifically ban illegal immigrants from traveling on it is in the same category.
p>Before the firefighters turn on the hoses, they should check to ensure there are no illegal aliens that may benefit.
p>You are entering silly territory.
marcus-graly says…
bostonshepherd says
I never thought of the anchor baby link. There are all sorts of exceptions to eligibility based upon “certain family conditions.”
p>I’ll have to analyze that.
bostonshepherd says
Last month in Portsmouth, NH, Obama said 46 million people are uninsured. Last night he used 30 million.
p>The difference: 16 million illegal immigrants. So he’s taken these people out of his number in tactic admission of his including immigrants before.
p>But that’s immaterial. This sudden exclusion of illegal immigrants is window dressing because (1) there still is no specific prohibition based upon immigration status to be found in HR 3200, nor (2) any specific requirement to verify the immigration status of plan participants.
p>LYING. Obama is LYING to me and to you and to America.
kirth says
I hear muttering, but not booing. I also do not hear anyone calling Bush a liar, even though it would have been true in his case.
atticus says
Redneck Bigot.
p>Guess you just don’t like “Uppity Negroes who don’t know their place”.
p>Time to sent your white sheet to the cleaners…preferably with you in it.
johnd says
and the Cambridge Police acting stupidly and the next day “everyone” talked about that and not healthcare. This time Obama addresses both houses of Congress and today people are wasted their energy talking about Wilson. You can’t plan this kind of mucking.
p>Let’s focus on how Obama is going to do all the things he proposed “without” adding to the deficit. How?
atticus says
your White Sheet. You probably don’t like the color of the stain either . . . it is BROWN!
kirth says
It’s more worthy of discussion than the “gentleman” from NC’s outburst. Your comment, on the other hand, is more on Wilson’s level.