Thank you Scot Lehigh for bringing me back to earth.
So much Kennedy stuff to comment on. But I don’t feel like it now.
But Martha will be our next U.S. Senator so the question becomes:
Who will the Legislature appoint as next Attorney General? It will probably go to a current House member.
BTW, I wonder if Whitey sent flowers to the Angulo funeral? Mobsters always send flowers when adversaries die. I’m sure the feds will be checkin out the flower cars.
Please share widely!
I think he might jump in.
p>GOP pols don’t have law degrees like Dems do!
p>BUT – Jeff Perry is a lawyer!
Supreme Court justices don’t.…
p>But that would be a hard question for Christy at the debate!
Since he is dead he really can’t do much harm which is more than you can say about: Michelle McPhee, Jim Aloisi,Dan Conley, or Stephen Lynch (D)Brylcream.
Bill Keating, Gerry Leone or Joe Early from Worcester?
This guy?
I want Dave Roberts in the booth!
The current Deputy AG. Without a doubt the most capable guy for the job. Sure, he’s not a House member, but served well as Trav’s Chief Counsel and you know Trav will go to bat for him. Not to knock the DAs, but the AG job involves more civil than criminal work and Dave has performed well on many levels. He’s a personal friend, btw, despite his wrongheaded embrace of Democratic policies, but he’s just that good.
it’s a political position…civil/criminal justice doesn’t matter as much, Harshbarger, Reilly, and Coakley all came from criminal justice DA position and did just fine…as for “Trav”, perhaps he would like his old pal DeLeo to name him AG…then Friedman can continue working for him!…Then again, maybe all the stars will align and Robert DeLeo will stand tall and actually do the unexpected by not appointing a House member yearning for escape…he could make a bold move and appoint someone who can do the job…a qualified DA…of the current crop, Blodgett (Essex County) and Leone (Middlesex) come to mind…Leone hasn’t been DA for that long so he would probably demure…DA Keating is more of a legislator/pol than cj professional so that would not be so bold a move for DeLeo.
p>Whatever, DeLeo could surprise everyone by being much more than we thought he was…
p>Truth be told by the time this scenario plays out it will be mid-January…people seeking the office of AG for the November elections will be preparing for caucuses and the state convention. Anyone named by DeLeo/ConCon won’t have much of a leg up on the field.
p>The person appointed will get re-elected. I wouldn’t worry about convewntion.
If DeLeo names a legislator/former legislator to AG as a political pay back or pay forward, that old Prosecutor vs Politician campaign theme will be back for sure…and it may work, yet again, given the public mood.
p>I agree with you Ernie that martha can /will win this Senate seat (Joe or no Joe)…but I think the AG seat may turn into some interesting politics for 2010…
p>And what about the Audtor…70 year old Joe DeNucci…is it time to ring the bell on that round, too?
He definitely made the “prosecuter not politician” pitch when running for DA. As such AG may be the only other office he would run for. This promotion would continue the streak going back at least to Harshbarger of the Middlesex DA becoming the next AG.
This race is going to be all it should be, and more – no one has this in the bag yet. I think your conclusion is rather unwarranted.
p>Are you in the bag for the AG?
p>- Josh
“But Martha will be our next U.S. Senator” – Ernie Boch, III
p>I’ll buy THAT for a $1. Sell it Earnie. We don’t even know who else is in the race yet. You should probably try to make your case and not just state a conclusion as fact without any reasoning.
make my case?
Ii dodn’t need to make my case!
p>I don’t need to tell you she is only female in race.
p>I don’t need to tell you she comes across more senatorial than Capuano or Lynch.
p>I don’t need to tell you that there are not too many people with axes to grind against her like there are against Capuano and Lynch. (not counting defendants)
p>I don’t need to tell you that Capuano is and comes across as a backroom deal making urban pol whichwe all know is not attractive today.
p>I don’t need to tell you that Lynch is capuano only a tad more conservative. Big Deal.
p>I don’t need to tell you that people trust Martha to give them the right answer.
p>I don’t need t tell you that projecting out ten years I see Martha as a national leader yet i don’t see that for Capuano and Lynch if they win.
p>I don’t have to tell you Vickie nor any other Kennedy won’t get the votes they think because U.S. Senator and rock star times a million is no longer there to make call after call after call to get and keep everyone in line.
Do you think I know what you’re thinking? Are your reasons the same as mine? Do your reasons have merit? Democracy is a marketplace of ideas. Some ideas have merit, some don’t. We debate ideas in a Democracy. I’m not sure you’re interested in that discussion. The evidence is to the contrary: “I don’t need to tell you that…” Are you in or are you out?
p>Was that comment really necessary? It didn’t provide one positive aspect to the conversation.
p>Let’s keep it classy – we’re all Democrats here! (I hope.)
did so well with the clunker program that he can afford to antagonize potential customers with what can only be called an unnecessarily insulting comment. Too bad.
it does seem to me that Ernie is using a rhetorical device here — saying that he “doesn’t need to tell you” his reasons, and then nonetheless listing them. Thus, if you want to “debate ideas” with him, you can, because he has told you what his ideas are, under the guise of not doing so.
David. I think I’ve had enough. The insult “How Dumb Are You Neil?” and the sarcasm (or snark or arrogance) put me over the top on the topic “Martha will be our next U.S. Senator.”
I predicted Coakley a while ago here on BMG as Dem primary winner – but the ‘only female’ may nto be accurate.
as a serious contender for Senator. Other than Mitt Romney’s sidekick in his race for governor, Healey has lost two races for the MA House, and her own race for governor. If it wasn’t for her husband’s $$$, would she even be mentioned? I think the Republicans have to figure out a way to restock their farm team, and make some headway rebuilding their presence in the Lege before trying to throw another ‘name’ out there for the Senate seat.
She is not only the only woman in the race, she is the only person in the race so far, so that point is moot. She may or may not be the only woman in the race when election time rolls around. It is also not clear that being a woman might not even be a disadvantage (sadly).
p>I actually think she is much less “senatorial” than Capuano or Lynch. Obviously that is not a well-defined metric.
p>I don’t know who these “axe to grind” people are or why it should matter. What are these enemies going to do to interfere in the election.
p>I personally don’t trust Martha all that much. At least some of her actions seem to be more for political effect than to do the best for the state.
p>I actually think that Vicki would probably win if she were to run, but it doesn’t sound like she wants to, and who can blame her.