Listening to the right wing drivel in support of the South Carolinian racist bigot Republican Congressman Joe Wilson and the inability of opposing views to get on and be heard it raises the difficult question as to whether some sort of Balanced Broadcasting law should be put into effect.
These Right Wing Republican extremists and their employers – here Entercom and Greater Media, Inc have hijacked the public airwaves and are holding opposing views hostage.
WTKK’s Michael Graham who has earned the name “Cracker” is a South Carolina native and Bob Jones University fundamentalist. His animus toward people of color is only matched by his aftenoon counterpart Jay Severin. Severin has even been suspended for his racial remarks but continues to call Governor Deval Patrick’s monthly broadcast on WTKK “AXE The Governor” as if the Governor does not speak perfect standard English.
On WRKO you have a convicted Felon Tom Finneran who is paired with a nut case Todd Feinburg who riles against any thought that he might be a Jew. His cackle is “I AM NOT A JEW” as if there was something wrong with that.
Howie Carr – well he is a paragon of virtue. He dumped his first wife and kids for some secretary at WRKO while he was using the Herald’ Inside Track Journalist whores to go after the now late Jerry Williams alleged extra-curricula activities in an attempt to get WRKO to dump Williams and replace him with none other than Howie Carr. It worked although it brought about the premature death of Jerry Williams. So, this paragon of Conservative values is just a thinner version of the drug addled Rush Limbaugh.
To the point, there is no room for alternative views on the public airwaves and something must be done to open them up again to many viewpoints.
A balanced Broadcasting Law looks like the only option that would release those airwaves from the grips of one party rule.
Even the supposedly open forum of Radio-Info. com will shut you down and ban you from posting alternative views to the party line.
I suggest you register on Radio-info. com and go to the Boston Discussion Board and see how long your posting will last if you dare to question either WRKO or WTKK “open talk policy”. Of course, that website is funded by them and is a total and complete fraud. Again, is a sham and is owned by the broadcasting industry since its founder committed suicide a few years ago and his partners sold out.
johnd says
There was some chatter back on July 31 here about a new “progressive” radio station. I just checked the latest radio stats and can’t find WWZN’s performance. Does anyone have another source to see how the shows and the station is doing (is anyone listening to it?)?
peter-porcupine says
What happened to Air America?
p>The bloviation of progressives about too many conservatives misses a key point – many listen to radio on computers now. I am listening to a Canadian station called Zoomer Radio because I like its music (and I like weather forecasts in Canada during the winter here – makes me feel better). So alternatives are readily available, if desired.
p>To what extent is this a desire for diversity, and to what extent is it desire to censor? Because I would suggest the bulk of this post would not be allowed in a Balanced Broadcasting Show…