Connolly, by the way, was a highly successful trial lawyer before becoming a judge. He is worth millions. He is one judge that doesn’t need the job. And he is by the accounts of hundreds of lawyers that have appeared before him one of the best judges in the Superior Court.
So Howie goes after Connolly and brings up the same crap. Political donations to this and that and blah blah blah.
But here is the rub. Connolly is an ex-seminarian and Howie makes a reference to all the perverts that came out of the seminary and gives the guilt by association hint.
He then does a little more hinting that the former seminarian is either a pervert or homosexual (not that there is anything wrong with that) or someone extremely sympathetic with perverts and homosexuals thus bias from the bench.
Catholics and gays right supporters should be up in arms that a major daily allows their columnist to indict individuals with veiled accusations of sexual abuse of children or sympathy to child rapists. Howie does this while at the same time throwing homosexuals into the same group of sexual deviants.
Time to Boycott Howie advertisers. Off hand the only ones I can think of are the auto insurance guy (the Commissioner), Barry Armstrong (the financial guy), the olive oil company and the vet he has on every so often. Let’s start collecting names of Howie’s WRKO advertisers and have a BMG and friends Boycott until Howie starts acting nice. That’s right, “nice”. All these small time business that support his show should be taken to task by the local blogging community.
Howie Carr, the guy with the first failed marriage, first set of kids he never talks about, sealed divorce records, does not believe contracts apply to him, committed fraud by drawing his own name in the license plate lottery (at very least a conflict) and BTW puts his daughter Charlotte in the public eye but constantly referring to her on his show and having her in studio. Howie my boy, by putting her out there you allow her to become a legitimate wordsmith target by some blogger willing to go down to your level. How about your upper crust boarding school producer Sandy? Who is she dating? What’s in her background?
So Howie, my suggestion is to see a shrink and get to the root of this deep seeded hate and anger towards those who have succeeded in life. Perhaps hypnotism to bring back those events at Deerfield that obviously scarred you for life. (Something in the locker room or shower perhaps?)
Question Howie, how do you write the way you do and expect your kids to still respect you as they get older and wiser? What does your first set of kids really think of you?
I once heard him described as “a major minor poet.” I think that’s apt, and fair. His music, however … not so good (except “People Who Died,” which is brilliant).
p>I think it’s long past time to boycott Howie Carr. The ship has sailed.
It was at Clark University in Worcester.
p>That’s everything I remember. Nothing else. Good times.
p>And I haven’t died yet.
Watch that pronoun reference Ernie, my boy!
Come on Ernie – your poll should have had a list of Howie Carr adverters for us to vote on.
p>How about putting that list here in comments. I agree, though, that this time Howie Carr may well get smacked with a libel suit and LOSE IT, and I mean “lose it” in more ways than one.
Imagine what Howie and his
sheeplisteners would have had to say if a prominent Democrat had crossed into oncoming traffic, jumped a curb, and split a telephone pole in half. Apparently, the poor guy was just “distracted.”I mean democrats.
p> If you don’t like Howie, don’t listen to him.
I don’t listen to him myself, so a list of advertisers to PATRONIZE would be helpful.
The term sheeple is owned by the anti-New World Order movement denoting the dumbed down peasant masses occupying the former United States.
is used to describe those who willfully and dishonestly debase and subvert the authority of our democratically elected representatives in our democratic republic.
p>no one owns these words or any other word. Words are ideas and ideas cannot be possessed or destroyed.
I think the Republican Party took ownership of God, the Flag and family values.
To support these ideals?
The only concrete statements I’ve ever seen you make are negatives. Based on your statements here, you hate Democrats, liberals, gays, and several politicians (especially Jim McGovern). I know you support Christy Mihos, but you’ve never explain why he’s your candidate, other than that you hate Deval and he’s not Deval.
p>I’ve no idea, what, if anything, you believe in.
You’re becoming redundant.Which stance would you like explained THIS time? We covered equal marriage and choice last time.
You repeated your lie about having to get divorced to live, but never explained what “marriage equality for ALL” means.
p>Besides, you’re the one that mentioned ideals. It’s telling you won’t say what yours are.
namely to make us waste our time responding to him by pushing our buttons.
i will agree. billxi is here to disrupt distract comment threads using provocation. he makes no effort to make an argument. provocation is his hammer and every comment thread is his nail.
You make claims, people are going to ask you to back them up.
p>Wouldn’t it be easier to just answer the question?
I suffered renal failure. my private insurance company dropped me like a hot rock. kidney dialysis costs over $100,000 annually per patient. I’m not a democrat, I can’t afford that. The solution best offered by my social worker was to spend down, get divorced, and go on medicare. I’m all for marriage equality, where’s the line to sign up? Fortunately for me, I have wonderful support behind me, but being alone kinda sucks.
By your own admission, you qualified for SSDI and MediCAID . They’re not needs based, so there was no requirement to “spend down.”
p>I’ll ignore the gratuitous slams and non-sensical “being alone” comment.
Medicare is available to all people over 65, as well as people like yourself who need dialysis due to permanent kidney failure.
I received a new kidney 5 1/2 years ago. I have other medical issues.
… by your own admission, your claim is a lie.
p>How twisted do you have to be to make up something like that?
am I making up?
Chickenshit Social Darwinist!
…but we’re been over this particular line of bullshit multiple times.
p>There are no rights gay people have that aren’t available to you. Nor is getting a divorce a requirement for Medicare coverage.
p>The real issue is your hatred of gay people.
But being poor is. If you’re under 65.
Here’s the medicare eligibility statement:
p>Why you feel the need to lie about it is beyond me.
Tell you what asshole: Full fury here! I was happily married. My social worker told me what to do. My wife’s insurance carrier dropped me like a hot rock. This dialysis shit costs well over $100,000 annually. I don’t see you sending a check! Do you know that Medicare routinely denies the first claim in hope that the individual will give up? Kiss my bile bag. You only know what you read, try living through dialysis. I did.
My mother was a lawyer and advocate for the disabled. I spent a lot of time helping her help others. Your story is utter bullshit, especially the part about gay people having rights you don’t.
p>If you are disabled, which I seriously doubt, you should be ashamed.
Disabled people should be ashamed? Of what? I thought the democratic party welcomed EVERYONE. Thanks for proving me correct.
I’m not a Democrat and wouldn’t presume to speak for them, anyway. Nor would I blame disabled people for your words.
p>You, billxi, should be ashamed.
Also, given your situation I’m not sure why you’re not a Democrat. You know what they say (at least Harry Truman did) – if you want to live like a Republican, you’d better vote Democrat!
I’m finding that democrats don’t give a shit about our disabled population (re: Fernald school) My Republcan friends welcome me. You can call me any names you like if it makes you feel big, but you’re going to know I was there.
Media-hound William Donahue and his “Catholic League for Civil Rights” (consisting of his cel phone and not much else) logically ought to be concerned about any anti-clerical bigotry. Donahue is perhaps one of the few people I hold in less esteem than I do Howie Carr, but his particular brand of media shitstorm would be just what Howie needs as he recuperates from his accident. Not that Donahue has ever been much concerned with anti-Catholic bigotry emanating from conservatives…
CJ Doyle of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts is practically an officer of anti-gay hate group MassResistance.
p>The chances of them launching a protest is zero.
If so, that’s beautiful irony.
They’re a direct offshoot of the Catholic Action League.
massmarrier wrote a piece on the subject a few years back.
p>As far as anyone can tell, C.A.L.M. is CJ Doyle.
I hardly knew ya!
p>So, how about that list of advertisers. I’ve never heard Howie on the air in my life, so I don’t know just which businesses I should be avoiding…
And how could you miss the ‘gallons trapped on the colon wall like spackle or paste’? That commercial holds the distinction of being the only one I ever heard Carr snort and/or giggle over while trying to read it, too much for even him.
p>Technically, the vet isn’t a sponsor but an occasional guest who answers pet questions (like that idiot Max, who ‘answers’ television questions about the Monkey Business Channel). Also – do the restaurants and delis carting in free food count as sponsors/
p>(I DO know some of these names, but may not help…I’m thinking. Oh, and the insinuations were smarmy and vulgar. Then again, so is Howie, often enough. I’m a Felon Finneran Fan).
p>Yes. Offer them the opportunity to provide free food with no mention on the air, in print, or on the web and see if they still do it. If not, then they’re sponsors. If they’ll do it for no promotional consideration, then they’re not sponsors.
p>Easy enough.
Time to boycott sophmoric calls for boycotts.
Boycotts work.
Your places to boycott, and I’ll do myself to patronize them.
I am boycotting large DNC donations.
Good luck in your effort. One cannot boycott what one never gave to.
spewing his bile?
Reported on that WRKO/Herald Tabloid reporter swerved off the road in his 2004 Acura in Wellesley this weekend and hit a telephone pole. The telephone pole made it to his Death Pool.
p>Word is that WRKO’s Howie Carr was driving intoxicated –DWH – Driving While Intoxicated with Himself.
p>Charges are pending?
p>Funny no reports of his swerving off the road on WRKO news or the Herald.
p>Maybe Howie got the accelerator confused with the brake. Could have been worse. This elderly driver could have taken out a CVS…. đŸ˜‰
having text someone.
Thomas Pain from an earlier post:
p>and now in this post:
p>Exactly what do you have against “old people”? Under your posts, Barney Frank is “old” and apparently useless.
p>Again, come back when you grow up.
Just FYI.
Michael Graham is Boston’s Glenn Beck. Jay Severin is our Michael Savage. Howie Carr is Bill O’Reilly.
p>Other than that, yeah, what you’re all saying.