We’ve considered selling naming rights for everything else in the Commonwealth, why not the Senate seat?
Although who always wanted to buy themselves a political office, let them buy a chance. Let them compete against others with the ambition. Which ever candidates sends in the largest check gets the seat for the next 4 months and the state can fund all kinds of worthwhile projects.
Did Blagojevich have it right?
Please share widely!
…easiest poll I’ve ever seen on this site. And I’m sure others would say the same for opposite reasons.
p>Seriously though, in a perfect world it would be Harry Reid working with John Kerry, as they’d know best who from Massachusetts could move health care reform through the Senate. However, I don’t exactly trust either one of them that much at the moment to get this done, so how ’bout Barney Frank?
A caucus of the congressional delegation chooses the interim senator either by a simple majority, or requiring unanimity? the remaining senator, John Kerry, functions as moderator, like a town meeting moderator?
The Birthers
p>Hands down.
p>No contest.
To be an abuse of power by the governor. 15 more months Deval.