I attended the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus meeting tonight. Caucus members gathered in the South End to consider endorsements for the US Senate Race and for Mayor of Boston.
What follows is my eyewitness report – official releases are expected to be forthcoming from MGLPC leadership. Disclosure – I am supporting Coakley.
Speakers for Coakley were headlined by Representative Carl Sciortino, who noted Coakley’s consistent championing of full equality for gay, lesbian and trangendered people.
Other speakers acknowledged that all of the Democratic candidates were likely to be friends of the community, but that Coakley had been out front on glbt issues, a fighter and leader in contesting DOMA as a violation of the Constitution’s full faith and credit clause, in supporting trans-inclusive employment non-discrimination legislation, and in using the bully pulpit of her office to press for full equality for glbt people. Speakers also noted Coakley’s leadership on other progressive issues, such as fair wages, reproductive rights and protection from predatory lending.
Capuano supporters in attendance spoke to their candidate’s concern for constituent services and Congressional voting record, but in the end, members opted overwhelmingly to endorse Coakley by the required 2/3 vote on the first ballot.
The Pagliuca and Khazei campaigns did not have a vocal presence at the meeting, Khazei because he had not completed the endorsement questionnaire in time for consideration. Coakley, Capuano, and Pagliuca all indicated their support for MGLPC concerns in their questionnaire responses, which included, among other issues, trans-inclusive ENDA protections, ending federal taxation of health insurance coverage provided by same sex partners to each other, opposition to restrictions on abortion rights, and repeal of DOMA.
For the Mayor’s race, after one-sided discussion, members also opted to endorse Tom Menino for Mayor by show of hands. Speakers against Flaherty noted his presence in the St. Patrick’s day parade, and Menino’s consistent refusal to participate as long as glbt Irish groups were banned, as an indication of Menino’s greater sensitivity to the community.