We applaud the Framingham Police Department and The Barnstable County Sheriff’s Office for ending their 287(g) accords, and believe it will go a long way toward restoring trust in the police among immigrant communities, thereby making all our towns and cities safer and more peaceful.
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Too many times we see local and state resources squandered on Fed problems. The Feds come to the state and local yokels with shiny tools and the promise of headlines. It takes a long time before the locals realize they’re just second fiddle to the Feds operations.
p>Whether this will lead to restoring trust remains to be seen. The illegal immigration situation is just one part of the problem. The police and DA’s offices have to be more community involved and leakproof which goes against the grain of militarizing police.
We want to mention our appreciation for MIRA and their continual efforts of behalf of immigrants in the community. Likewise, Roca wants to acknowledge the Chelsea Police Department for being leaders in making our community safe for all people. Thanks to actions by organizations such as MIRA and the Chelsea PD, our communities are taking steps that are critical to public safety. Roca has always made working with the institutions that surround our young people’s lives a priority. How else can we work together to support the work of fellow organizations and police departments to help our communities be safe from violence and poverty?