For those of you who oppose casinos (and, quite frankly, I admit to being tired of that discussion!), I hope you will consider supporting Alan Khazei in his Senate bid.
Of course, for everyone, imho, there are more substantive reasons to support him. I believe he is the only candidate who has the experience (albeit in the volunteer, not political, arena — maybe a plus!) needed to live up to the challenges of this job. He has had to build coalitions to achieve his goals; his visionary ability is evident to all who look at his track record.
He is, I believe, the 21st Century Ted Kennedy. He has the same idealism, the same values, the same determination to benefit all members of our society. I am not for a moment suggesting that he, or anyone, could step into those enormous shoes without some trial by fire. Still, I believe Alan brings the strength of character and a fresh, young (well, okay, young to me!) face to the campaign that deserves your serious consideration.
I plan to work hard to help get him elected as our next Senator! I would welcome your company on that (very short) journey!
I agree, but I don’t think a state issue is a great reason to vote for a federal legislative office. If I run down my list of issues I want my new United States Senator to understand and influence, casinos are way down on the list.
to run on, with everything else going on. Does he understand that he would be representing Massachusetts on Federal issues? His online petition that is displayed on his front page and his statements at the Chamber of Commerce, which we can now see was done with a purpose. I really do not understand his plan here.
Although I agree with him on the issue, he came out against casinos to make some news going into the debate.
Not bad strategy, IMHO.
So-called Indian casinos exist because the federal government, under President Bill Clinton, said they could. There is already at least one case (a sexual harassment case out west) where there was a question of whether the law could be applied on the reservation (so to speak).
p>In the case of Massachusetts, Deval’s original plan was to license three casinos, which some saw as an end run around the tribe that wanted to open one in Middleborough. And why are we debating this at all? Because of Foxwoods.
p>So — as with most things — the federal government and certainly the Senate could have influence here if it chose. I agree that it was about the headline, and I agree that it worked. Capuano’s honest answer didn’t read well in the paper.
The feds have a say on the issue. However, make a list of issues that you want your next Senator to work on, and be on your side on, where does Indian gaming rank?
p>Go ahead. Make your list. If casinos are on your top three, go vote for Khazei.
I’m not in the Khazei camp, I was just commenting on this issue. But you portray him as being a one-issue guy, which he clearly is not.
p>Would you want this test applied to your candidate, whoever that is?