Despite the rain, large and spirited visibility presence for Coakley and Khazei. A few folks for Pagliuca. How I appreciate those with the commitment to the democratic process and community engagement to stand out in a cold rain for their candidates.
The large auditorium is only partially filled – many empty seats.
I’ll post some notes here on the candidate’s statements. Full disclosure: I am supporting Martha Coakley.
Please share widely!
bean-in-the-burbs says
Moderator is laying out the ground rules. Thirty minute statements per candidate. Pagliuca is up first. Requests no interruptions or lack of courtesy to candidates in expressing their views.
p>Lswrence Eagle Tribune and Lowell Sun journalists will alternate asking questions. Have also collected questions from the audience (by cards) that will be asked by the moderator and Renee Loth from the Globe (?).
bean-in-the-burbs says
Warm applause.
p>SP: Call me Steve. Hopefully it will soon be Senator.
p>Loth: What makes you qualified?
p>SP: In community here for 25 years. Work with organization to prevent cruelty to children. Helped build Celtics organization. (Notes recent championship to applause.) Venture capitalist experience could help change loss of 100,000 jobs recently experienced. Need public-private partnerships to get jobs back. Know how to do this.
p>Loth: You missed voting in a bunch of elections. What does that say about your seriousness?
p>SP: No one’s perfect. It was a big mistake. It won’t happen again.
p>Moderator: What about your past donations to Republican candidates?
p>SP: I’ve always had progressive democratic values. But I worked with Romney for 20 years – I gave him money out of friendship. I gave $1K to Bush vs. McCain because people who helped me raise money for charities asked me to. Turned out to be a bad investment. But I raised hundreds of thousands for Kerry.
p>Loth: You mentioned difficulties with joblessness – close to 10% unemployment. Yet Dow back at 10,000.
p>SP: Can’t answer for what stock market is doing, but hopefully a leading indicator for what the economy will do. Things may get worse for employment before they get better. Some jobs gone forever. Need to emphasize our key industries: life sciences. Lesson of Detroit – once had best cars, sales, engineers – lost it due to fighting between labor and management. Need to protect our key industries – clean tech, fisheries, high tech. I know how to help.
p>Loth: Detroit went down due to labor fights?
p>SP: Facts are that huge job losses. Not a shot at Detroit. We let our healthcare system get out of control, adding $2200 per car for health care costs. I talk to business people who say we can’t add an employee because it’s $18K in health care premiums. Need energy efficiency – foreign oil is going to kill this country, billions more this year than last. We need to get off of oil.
p>Loth: Fully half of the babies today will live to 100. Something to celebrate but also can bankrupt us. End of life care is very sensitive subject. What policies would you support to get at the root of our health care costs.
p>SP: 7% of GDP, 2.3 trillion every year. Lots of it is administrative cost. Lots is overutilization – fear of being sued. Need to change the administrative costs – more IT in hospitals. Just reducing a piece of this would help. (applause)
p>Loth: Card check?
p>SP: Says he supports the Employee Free Choice Act, but not card check. card check not the way to go.
bean-in-the-burbs says
I missed a question here about the credit crisis, technical difficulties…
p>SP: Talking about need for regulation – home loans need to be supported by income etc. Need a single overarching regulator. Need consumer protection. If we had this, we would not have had this crisis. Problem started with three trillion dollar mortgage crisis.
p>Moderator: Time for closing statement.
p>SP: Stands Honored to be here. We’ve had a major financial collapse. We have 320,000 people out of work in MA. I’m running because we need to put those people back to work, restore confidence. He believes he can do that working with us. Family came from Italy via Ellis Island. Father fought in WWII, Korea. GI Bill sent him to college. Three children in his family. Mother a teacher. It’s all about hard work, compassion, respecting others. Held many jobs in his life. Had a great chance in his life. Has been successful beyond his wildest dreams, wants others to have this opportunity. Going around the state, hearing people’s stories has been eye opening for him. We’ve got to do better. Unacceptable to have so many people out of work. Can bring his experience to help put people back to work. Honestly if this is his motivation – couldn’t he help more by staying in business and helping to create jobs? Sorry, small moment of cynicism there Asks for support. Says he’s a product of the American dream, Ted Kennedy was his friend, hopes he can bring same passion and desire TK did.
p>Warm applause.
bean-in-the-burbs says
sabutai says
…if you’re paying people by the hour, no need to foot the bill for them to stand around.
p>Thanks for doing this…any chance this will go up on the Web at some point? Any videographer there?
bean-in-the-burbs says
hlpeary says
and they said it will air on Andover cable and be shared with area local cable
bean-in-the-burbs says
Here comes Loth and the moderator, whose name I unfortunately did not catch earlier…
p>Here’s the AG…
p>Lots of Coakley signs in the audience.
p>Loth: What in your background makes you qualified?
p>MC: Two and half decades in public service. Fighting predatory lending, for clean energy, to keep people safe. Been a different kind of leader, who has gotten results – wants to bring that to Washington.
p>Loth: Asking about Capuano’s taxpayer funded foreign travel. Asks Coakley about her foreign
p>MC: No taxpayer funded trips to any hot spots. Had a sister who lived overseas, has travelled herself, world is getting (nod to TF) ‘hot, flat and crowded’ – worked in wake of 9/11 with law enforcement missed some of this
p>Loth: How can we improve our relationships with Pakistan.
p>MC: It’s important that we open up channels of discussion with other countries. Wars are expensive. Use diplomatic channels, work with allies.
p>Loth: Where do you stand on involvement on more troops in Afghanistan
p>MC: Need to have a clear mission, should be about establishing our safety in this country. Doesn’t believe the case had been made yet or that the mission is clear enough to justify additional troops. Does not envy the president his decision. Not a yes vote on more troops without a stronger case being made.
p>Moderator: What might you support as a Senator that would benefit the North Shore.
p>MC: Grew up outside of Boston, understands that different regions are impacted differently. There’s a great history of manufacturing in this part of the Commonwealth. Future for green manufacturing. Looking at strengths and weaknesses of this part of the state, need local and state officials here, partnering with business leaders, to work together. She would focus on cutting energy costs, healthcare reform, transportation needs such as I-93 Interchange.
p>Lawrence Eagle Tribune: What would you do if elected for women?
p>MC: Spent a lot of her career on protecting women and children. Pro-choice. (applause) Women are disproportionately victims in the criminal justice system. Need more resources for rehabilitation. As we move to a greener economy, need to provide options for women, for family-friendly policies in the workforce. (applause)
bean-in-the-burbs says
Loth: What about bill to address sentencing disparities?
p>MC: Sentencing should be more flexible with a focus on rehabilitation.
p>Moderator: What about married same-sex couples who can’t sponsor spouse for citizenship – cites specific individual case. What about DOMA?
p>MC: Has filed challenge in federal court against DOMA. Same sex marriage is a question of fairness. Unfair for federal government to discriminate against same sex couples in this way. Would vote to repeal DOMA.
Re individual cited – Kennedy was great on working on issues like this. Coakley would make the calls and put the pressure to try to get the right result in grossly unfair cases like this one.
p>Loth: How do voters make decision between candidates with similar views? What could you do to challenge DOMA?
p>MC: What is the resistance about? This is about winning hearts and minds, not just votes. Have been able to speak to AG’s in other states, testify about how it has been a great thing in Massachusetts. Can bring personal experience with law here and in her life (has officiated a same sex marriage for friends) to help break down discrimination.
p>DADT is also unfair and should be repealed.
p>Loth: End of life care. Living longer.
p>MC: Painful personal experience – as her mother approached end of life. This is consumer choice, personal choice – Republican death panel narrative is a disgrace.
p>MC: Wants our vote. Grew up in Western MA. 5 kids in family in North Adams. Taught to give back, to value education. Values learned in that small city, carried with her as DA, and AG. Held predatory lenders accountable. Pharmaceutical companies. Financial services. Sued to make EPA enforce clean air regulations. Kept kids and seniors safe from scams online. If you send me to Washington – will hold Wall Street accountable with appropriate regulation. Will fight for health care reform with a strong public option (applause). Need competition so that system doesn’t collapse. Need energy policy that makes sense, to fight global warming, promote green jobs. Pledges to bring skills and experience to keep this country safe. Pledges to protect civil rights. Have made progress but still have to address discrimination against same sex couples, those with disabilities. With your help, we can turn this recession around – have a better future. (warm applause – signs – lots of Coakley supporters here)
bean-in-the-burbs says
Capuano is up next.
p>Auditorium has emptied out quite a bit. A shame more people aren’t staying to hear all the candidates, instead of just supporting their own.
p>Loth: What makes you uniquely qualified?
p>MCap: I have a long record doing the same sort of job – record of what I will do as a Senator.
p>Loth: Said you are running because you don’t have enough seniority in the house. Reconcile this with, will have even less seniority in the Senate.
p>MCap: More influence in smaller body of the Senate. Probably wouldn’t do this if I had been in the House longer. This is a lateral move, to same job, with opportunity to grow faster.
p>Moderator: What program or project would you support for the North Shore and Merrimack valley.
p>MCap: Affordable housing. Home ownership is best way in to the middle class. Not everyone can own a home, but many people are just on the edge.
p>Loth: Wasn’t push for home ownership a factor in the current financial crisis?
p>MCap: Not talking about those who wouldn’t qualify for a loan. There were some abuses, bad lending, but don’t think they led to the economic crisis. Problem was lack of regulation by the Bush administration.
p>Moderator: What would you do in the Senate?
p>MCap: We are working to bring back regulation. Where is the line in financial services that shouldn’t be crossed? Under the Bush administration, there was no line.
christopher says
…since you didn’t mention him in the original diary. I share your disappointment that more people didn’t stay to hear everyone. Was there anybody there do you think who was undecided going in and genuinely wanted to hear everyone out?
bean-in-the-burbs says
Before and after each candidate. But I’m sure some of the people here are undecided – there isn’t 100% turnover in the audience between candidates.
bean-in-the-burbs says
Loth: Only in MA would candidates would argue over who is more liberal. You’ve said Coakley is not a liberal. But positions sound very similar.
p>MCap: I voted against the Patriot Act. I believe in civil liberties. I want guilty people to go to jail and innocent people to go free, should allow DNA evidence to be used. I’m a laywer, but haven’t practiced in a while. People won’t agree all the time, but have to stand up when it comes to war and peace, civil liberties.
p>Lowell Sun: You voted in favor of deregulating derivatives. What is Democrats responsibility.
p>MCap: I fully admit that up until this financial crisis my philosophy has been to push to get more people eligible for loans. Maybe we pushed a little too hard. Doesn’t mean people with no documentation should get loans. Was the vote you are referring to regarding Commodities Futures? But that was one vote in a bunch. In hindsight, do I think that vote should have been different. Yes. But look at totality of his record. Did vote against repealing Glass-Steagall. I also firmly believe that most of the derivatives trading that was done could have been regulated under existing law if you had the right people in the SEC and other regulating bodies.
p>Loth: Alan Khazei has been surprising successfully fundraiser so far without taking any PAC money. You do take PAC money? Why do you?
p>MCap: Most of the PAC money I take comes from unions. How else can working people participate in politics? Lives in two-family house in Somerville. Needs the rent to pay the mortgage. Doesn’t have access to multi-millions. Also campaigns based on donations from working people. Hates raising money. Do what’s necessary under the current laws.
p>Moderator: Individual here unable to sponsor his husband for citizenship. What would you do? What about DOMA?
p>MCap: Voted against DOMA. Believes it’s immoral and unethical, hopefully unconstitutional, doesn’t know. Marriage is a contract. DOMA doesn’t recognize state rights. Barney Frank supports me for this and other work on equality issues.
p>Loth: Foreign policy issues. More troops in Afghanistan? Pakistan? What can we do to improve image there?
p>Moderator: 1 minute left
p>MCap: Solve world peace in a minute (laughs). Pakistan is starting to understand their own interest in taking action. Diplomacy if thoughfully done is best can do to stabilize region. May not win hearts and minds in Pakistan right away. Best way to deal with this is that we can’t conquer every country, need diplomatic approach. Not supporting more troops to Afghanistan at this time (applause). Obama is a great change from Bush. Wants to give Obama the benefit of the doubt to come up with a reasonable plan.
bean-in-the-burbs says
Running against good people. Wish I was running against Bush, but I’m not. Think I would be the best US Senator.
p>Senate is the same job as what I’m doing now, only difference is that it’s a smaller body. War, health care, civil liberties are serious issues – this is not a game.
p>I’m a working class guy. Knew going in that I wouldn’t be the best funded. But I believe voters are smarter than that. Voters don’t vote for the last 30 second ad. We’re all complex human beings. I believe across the series of issues that I’m the closest to the average MA voter. Judge me on my ten year voting record. I have zeros from the NRA. 100’s from the Human Rights Commission.
p>I have ability to get things done. Proud of work on housing, education, transportation, ethics. Do your homework. Research, study, check us out.
p>Over next 51 days, check us out, make up your minds who is the best candidate for US Senate.
p> Capuano supporters are waving signs, leaving the auditorium.
bean-in-the-burbs says
Running against good people. Wish I was running against Bush, but I’m not. Think I would be the best US Senator.
p>Senate is the same job as what I’m doing now, only difference is that it’s a smaller body. War, health care, civil liberties are serious issues – this is not a game.
p>I’m a working class guy. Knew going in that I wouldn’t be the best funded. But I believe voters are smarter than that. Voters don’t vote for the last 30 second ad. We’re all complex human beings. I believe across the series of issues that I’m the closest to the average MA voter. Judge me on my ten year voting record. I have zeros from the NRA. 100’s from the Human Rights Commission.
p>I have ability to get things done. Proud of work on housing, education, transportation, ethics. Do your homework. Research, study, check us out.
p>Over next 51 days, check us out, make up your minds who is the best candidate for US Senate.
p> Capuano supporters are waving signs, leaving the auditorium.
bean-in-the-burbs says
Applause for Khazei, jogs out to the stage.
p>Loth: Why are you uniquely qualified to be the next Senator?
p>AK: I’m running as a citizen, not a public official. Social entrepeneur. Founded City Year. Model for Americorps. Movement leader. Understand that change starts from the bottom. Worked with Senator Kennedy for 20 years on major pieces of legislation. Not taking PAC or lobbyist money – because money in politics is stopping everything in Washington. We all voted for change, and aren’t getting it. City Year has employed 15000 people, Americorps has employed over 500,000. We’ll all be good progressive votes, but I have a broad vision for the job of Senator.
p>Loth: Kennedy was beloved by many – but voters want someone with independence of mind. What did you disagree with Kennedy on?
p>AK: I’m not running to be Ted Kennedy. He was the greatest Senator of all time. I’m running for healthcare with a strong public option. For medical malpractice reform. Defensive medicine is costing us billion. For education. We need to pay teachers more. But for innovation, extended learning time, for charter schools. (he is a very fast talker – I’m missing a fair amount)
I don’t line up with the standard view – I look at what works. We’re stuck in the standard line. I’m an innovator.
p>Loth: What do you want to see for malpractice reform?
p>AK: Find what works. Use platform of the Senate to take it across the country. Pilot at University of Michigan, openness and transparency, every victim is compensated, no rights waived, if not satisfied can still go to courts. Should expand this successful program. Profession not policing itself as it should. I want to be a reformer.
bean-in-the-burbs says
Moderator: Have you supported Republicans for public office in the past?
p>AK: No I haven’t. (applause) Democratic party has tradition of innovation, reform and progress. When we stand on our core values and principle – we are strongest when are pushing change, innovation, opening the doors of opportunity. My life has been about taking big ideas and pushing for change. Washington is stuck in an old debate, false debate – big government vs. big business. I say we need big citizenship. (applause)
p>Loth: Foreign travel?
p>AK: Travelled to 30 countries, not just to see sights, but to meet with youth leaders. Did that because I’m a change agent. Who’s making change? Where is it coming from? Son of an immigrant. People don’t always love our government policies, but they love Americans. They love our ideals. We are a beacon to the world. We can’t solve problems alone, and certainly not with military means. We need to build coalitions. We need to reach out and develop coordinated strategies to fight terrorism and global climate change.
p>Lowell Sun: Patrick administration. Have insured 97% of MA population. Only now addressing cost containment. Do you support changing fee for service?
p>AK: Great that MA is a leader in health reform. Model for the country. Lesson is that it can be done. Have to get everyone under the system before you can work on containing costs. We need a strong public option – not just state by state. Need a viable alternative. Need to be able to pay for this. Needs to be deficit neutral. Supports taxing gold-plated health policies. Need malpractice reform – drives up costs. Need whole new focus on preventive medicine. Should be paying based on outcomes, not tests.
p>Loth: End of life care. 50% of babies born this year will live to be 100. We spend half of health care dollars in the last year of life.
p>AK: Important to get everyone under the system. We can’t really get our hands around costs until everyone is in the system. We need to take a harder look at long term care. Lot is geared to putting people in institutions – people want to stay in their own homes. Why not call on our own citizens – hospice, service movement, Americorps to help people stay in their homes. Healthcare needs to start with prenatal care. Complicated issues. But need to start with universal access.
p>Moderator: Civil Rights. DOMA. Individual whose same-sex husband was deported.
p>AK: This is unacceptable. I would go to the wall for that family. City Year was built on people of all different backgrounds – sexual orientation, income, ethnicity. We’ll all vote the right way – but here’s my difference – we need to build the citizen movement. The right is very organized, they have a movement fighting this. I’ll work with LGBT leaders. As a US Senator, and call a press conference, people will show up. Need to connect civil rights, environmental etc. movements. Wrong, unAmerican that people are discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. DADT is wrong. We have 60 votes now – why aren’t we repealing this? They don’t know how to build the movement.
p>Loth: Economy and jobs. What would you do to improve the economny.
p>AK: I’m a job creator. My focus will be on jobs. Best social program is a job. We need a job creation tax credit for small business. Small businesses create the jobs in this country. Write off, accelerated depreciation, waive SBA fees, healthcare reform, embrace clean energy revolution. (applause)
bean-in-the-burbs says
We voted for change. How do we get it?
p>People are hurting – lost jobs, retirement savings, dreams. War, poverty, discrimination, climate change, – crisis is also opportunity. We need big bold transformational ideas. Running on a platform of big citizenship. We all need to get involved in politics. These are how we make choices, allocate resources, we all need to serve, join a citizen movement for a cause we care about. For too many, American dream is deferred.
p>Have a choice of great candidates. But shouldn’t lose, Paguliuca from Celtics, AG from AG’s office or Capuano from House with his seniority. Keep them where they are. (laughter)
p>My campaign is different – citizen led, energized. Doesn’t take PAC or lobbyist money. We aren’t getting healthcare and climate change legislation we want because there are 6 lobbyists for every member of Congress. I will owe nothing to lobbyists – I will represent you. I can’t fill Kennedy’s shoes, but I had privilege of working with him for 20 years – I learned from him and have the track record of leading change.
p>Asking for your vote and your support – grassroots campaign.
bean-in-the-burbs says
Great job by all of the candidates. No big gaffes that I saw. Khazei was the big surprise – high energy, interesting guy.
p>I’m with Coakley, but after seeing Khazei, Pagliuca and Capuano on the same stage, I think Khazei replaces Capuano as my number two choice.
frankskeffington says
bean-in-the-burbs says
Just remember that that’s Ms. Bean 😉
striker57 says
Thank you for all your work posting this
neilsagan says
Live-blogging is demanding. You were great.
david says
Many thanks for doing this.
hlpeary says
Thanks Ms. Bean for posting this. I was in the audience for the whole event. The coalition of smaller town democratic committees sent out emails all over the Merrimac Valley about this event. They did a good job putting it together. In the row I was sitting there were Democrats from Saugus, Middleton, Beverly,Danvers and Ipswich. I would say if you stripped away the campaign staffers/volunteers (SP-dozen, MC-2 dozen, MCap-2 dozen who arrived in the hall right before he spoke and left immediately after, AK- 1 1/2 doz) the actual “attendees” who stayed for the whole event numbered about 200, maybe 250…the auditorium was not huge, but large enough to make the crowd hard to measure. They let the audience fill out question cards but never actually asked any of the audience questions…time was a factor I guess. (I wrote one out to Mr. Pagliucca: You said you would spend $10 Million to be Senator, would you pledge today to a $5 Million cap for all candidates and give your other $5 million in spare change to the food pantries of the north shore which have bare cupboards right now and which Senator Berry is trying to fill!)
p>This was a good opportunity to see all four candidates in person. They did not have to answer the same exact questions and the format was more a 20 minute interview of each person and then a 5 minute pitch from each about why you should vote for them.
p>IMHO: Steve Pagliucca was the weakest. Seems like a nice enough guy, but his going to DC to create jobs “as I did at Bain” does not ring true in this race. You get the feeling that everything he is saying was scripted by Doug Rubin or someone to reflect poll results…he knows his tv ad scripts. He kept reminding the audience that he was Ted Kennedy’s friend.
p>Martha Coakley was well received by the audience. She was focused. Rene Loth asked a strange question I thought implying Capuano traveling on tax dollars to foreign countries was a major qualification to be Senator, and where had Martha traveled to hot spots around the world…???…Rene was tougher on MC than the other candidates but female reporters do that sometimes to prove they are not gender biased (male reporters never seem to worry about such things) Martha’s 5 minute close was concise and she made her case. She is not a glad-handing, backslapping, too-cute-by-half pol..she is serious, determined and to the point and that’s how she came off. I wish she would talk more about her personal experience and family as when she does she is shows a compassionate side that is the core of her politics. When she spoke of her own mother’s experience fighting leukemia in response to the “death panel” question, it was compelling.
p>Mike Capuano did fine, too. He is a guy who has been around the campaign block many times and that experience comes through….quips and crowd pleaser one-liners are amusing… His major pitch came in response to a Loth question about who is the most liberal candidate…Mike gave a litany of supreme court cases and issue areas where he said he was more liberal…war vote, etc….people in my row were a little confused because Congressman sometimes use beltway jargon that is lost on voters…he spoke of his days as Mayor of Somerville and concern for working people…he said the PAC money he takes is from working people who create PACs so they can be heard, too…His major pitch is that he has 11 years in Congress and therefore is the only candidate running who could know how to operate in DC. He avoided responding about his Finance Committee’s oversight/regulatory role (or lack there of) concerning the Wall St. mess and focused only on what should be done now. he said judge him on his whole record not just a few bad votes that he regrets now…but he did not ask for the same courtesy for his opponent Coakley whom he was eager to nit pick on partial points.
p>Alan Khazei is an interesting man. He gave a strong performance. He is obviously a caring and determined and accomplished man. He kept saying that he represented the new generation not the old…but he doesn’t look to be that much younger than his opponents so that was a little confusing…he made great points about Congress being the problem because they in fact have the votes they need to pass anything they want but still do not act. he says it’s the power of money that has stalled everything…campaign funds from lobbyists and industries that do not want change and politicians who are beholden to those contributors. He is right and the Andover audience responded. The problem for Mr. Khaei is that he seems like an organizer, someone who could get a major movement going across the country but not necessarily someone who could move stalled Congressmen to act…I think he would go nuts in DC dealing with that failed process but unable to move it.
I liked him alot.
p>I am supporting Coakley, no secret there, but Khazei is my new second choice, too.
lynpb says