For those who are supporting Congressman Capuano, and those who are interested in meeting him, check out the events that I just posted on the calendar here on BMG. The Congressman is holding “Open Mike” sessions all day on Sunday.
Please share widely!
I had gone into the event favoring the Attorney General in this senate special, She seemed both qualified and adequately progressive for her to earn my vote. But after spending some time talking to the Congressman, I found that he represents a real opportunity for progressives to have a voice that will really fight for the issues I care about. Capuano’s votes against defunding acorn, the patriot act and the iraq war shows that he is willing to take stands while the rest of the democrats allow themselves to be driven to decisions based on political climate. While I find Coakley an attractive candidate, I am not certain that she would be someone who always follows her conscience on the tough issues, as she has seemed to me, in some regards, to be very cautious not to ruffle too many feathers while AG, and has no track record in terms of making tough decisions on policy.
p>The other thing that really struck me was the congressman’s commitment to constituent services. In my opinion, what made Senator Kennedy so great was not only his ability to make policy change happen, but his commitment to listening to the people of MA who needed help, and then getting the nitty gritty work done on their behalf. Based on all the reports I have heard from constituents in his district, Capuano is someone who gets this part of being a national representative. With Teddy gone, we will have a gaping hole in terms of access to these kinds of services in the state, and while I believe that a Senator Coakley may eventually be able to get a handle on constituent advocacy, she doesn’t have the experience to pick up where Ted left off, and in my book, that is a major negative. I look forward to spending a good chunk of my time volunteering for the congressman. A man who has no qualms with calling himself a liberal, and who will fight tirelessly for the people of MA.
and balanced with good humor. He’s funny warm and nice too. It was very easy to collect signatures for him today among some very discerning progressives.
The AG protects MA consumers. I’m sure Coakley has a grasp of consumer protection that few, if any in the race, do. Based on the economic climate, these skills will come in handy protecting Bay Staters from the wolves out there.
p>I’m not sure why Cappy supporters try to constantly use the name Ted Kennedy in their assertions. Ya gotta figure, with folks that loved Teddy, Cappy can’t measure up. And with folks that hate Teddy (asshats that they are) that is a self inflicted wound. Though Teddy haters ain’t gonna show up in the primary.
p>I still can’t believe a hopemonger like me is sold on a Clintonista. Go figure. She is that good!
Both candidates are invoking the name of former US Senator Ted Kennedy in their stump speeches as are their supporters. Congressman Capuano however, has evidence of his record resembling the positions of Senator Kennedy.
p>Clintonista Coakley, that’s good.
I cannot speak ill of Cappy. He is fully qualified and people I respect are at his side.
p>So I’m gonna stay meta.
p>The use of his record – Flaunting a voting record is totally appropriate. However, it is a trapping of incumbency. Those that favor promoting proven pols to a a “higher” office tend to use the record as proof of disposition and a trend for future roll calls. The tactic is flawed in the sense that Cappy’s vote, in a philisophical sense, should actually be an indicator of the views of his district, not his personally.
p>Running for statewide office will, imo, require all the candidates to assess their personal political compasses. This will allow them to see themselves against the collective of the Bay State. You may sense that I am not fond of those that consider themselves “the decider.” Nor do I like pols that have a finger in the air or act based on daily tracking pols.
p>But I digress.
p>Being an incumbent has its strengths and its weaknesses.
p>Also, no matter who we send, no matter how much “like” Ted they are; they will lack certain intangibles that gave Ted the gravity that he held in the US Senate.
p>I’m looking for a Senator that will pave their own way.
p>In closing, I’m there for the nom!
tag line rocks!
Thanks for posting! I will wait until he comes back to Western MA. Maybe he could make a trip down to our region. Palmer, Sturbridge, or one of the other nearby towns.
I went in undecided and came out leaning Capuano. I tend to let these things cook in my brain for at least 24 hours before making any decisions.
p>What impressed me:
ITIOFD and to nobody’s surprise, I am an enthusiastic Capuano supporter. Even when I’ve got a bad cold and am stuck in the house instead of passing out signature papers.
p>BTW I admire Martha Coakley very much, it’s a matter of “gravitas” — meaning Mike has the experience, the demonstrated progressive record and the respect of his colleagues in DC. The gravitas necessary to influence Congressional colleagues as well as making the kind of fact based, value based decisions he’s been making for years.
One Menemsha apparently thinks this is all “worthless”:( The account is just shy of three years old, but I don’t believe it’s been active lately. Maybe this person has something against Capuano, but s/he should understand that doesn’t make this comments worthless.
or has something against the posters from another forum? :shrug: