For the past quarter century, our US Senators have been Kennedy, Kerry, and Kirk. Soon, we will elect a new Senator, and it seems likely to be Capuano, Coakley, or Khazei. We might elect another K, or we might risk a new letter: C. Although they’re both hard C’s, which sound just like K’s, so perhaps it’s not too big a leap? What do you think?
[If I’d thought of it before I hit post, I’d have titled the poll “Keep the K? Change to C?” but I don’t think I can edit a poll title.]
Please share widely!
I can go to and check out what Tyra Banks has to say about life altering events. Right now my financial plan involves premature withdrawal of 401K funds coupled with ceasing to file 2010 tax returns.
p>My wife is very sick after getting only the regular flu shot and I am furious. I will hurt people trying to inject me with this crap.
You are in a safe place, if you truly feel that you are going to hurt people then you should really check yourself in somewhere. I am not trying to be sarcastic or snide but your agitation level concerns me and it should concern you. Stop blogging for a bit and relax. Everything is going to be all right and your wife will be fine. I truly hope that she feels better tomorrow morning. You should go to bed and chill.
Is it satire? Change by another name is Khange?
of the Starship Enterprise. Where have you been?
He’s Mike Seaver.
He hit the game winning home run in Game 1 of the 1988 World Series.
Kirk is one of the steady old K’s.
Captain is a hard-C, a little bit of change.
p>THIS ONCE – the GOP candidate will have the coveted ‘top of the ballot’ slot as there’s no incumbent, and nobody running with a name that comes before Brown/Barr alphabetically!