Martah Coakley raised over $2 million in 27 days for her U.S. Senate campaign.
Attorney General Martha Coakley raised more than $2 million in the first month of the Senate race, her campaign said yesterday, an impressive figure that helps neutralize what was seen as perhaps her biggest vulnerability.…
Fund-raising had been one of Coakley’s biggest challenges early in the race. Because she is a statewide office holder, her campaign account is a state account and cannot be used to fund a run for federal office. Thus Coakley, after creating her campaign committee on Sept. 3, had to essentially begin from scratch.
Martha Coakley has shown she has a statewide field organization and has now shown she can fundraise for this race. For those who claim she’s never been tested in a campaign – please keep making up these tests. Martha seens to enjoy passing them with flying colors.
Dislaimer – my union has endorsed and is working for Martha Coakley
Voters in Massachusetts have been waiting for the results of her office’s publicly announced “AG investigation into” the obscene $16.4Mil payout to the former CEO of MA Blue Cross and Blue Shield (a non-profit public charity) Bill VanFaasen a couple years ago.…
p>The AGs office was also supposed to be investigating–and doing something to rectify, one would expect–the exorbitant $3Mil current salary that non-profit public charity MA BCBS pays to its present CEO Cleve Killingsworth. Killingsworth and BCBS VP Andrew Dreyfus also are executives in the national BCBS Federation. 44,000 people die each year due in the U.S. to not being able to afford health insurance. The state budget, not to mention family budgets, are being bankrupted by sky-high health insurance costs. As a nurse I care for the people who suffer more and then die prematurely. This has got to stop.
p>Maybe Martha Coakley hasn’t been as interested in the MA BCBS investigation anymore since she’s been gearing up to run for Senate. As we know running for Senate costs a lot.
well, not really. Congressmen in MA don’t have serious opponents so they get to raise money year-round and stockpile it. No need to spend it…but they still raise it. The K Street lobbyists for every industry you can name have bought both sides of the aisle.