Whatever happened to country first?
Rachel Maddow on Obama Derangement Syndrome. She remarks on the conservative response, reminds us what he’s accomplished so far, and shows how the Nobel Peace Prize committee has made their choice in the past.
Please share widely!
p>I really, really hope this is very poorly constructed satire, or something. I really do.
p>Look, Obama got a prize. Either you support it or you don’t. Which means that one of those two positions will be help by (gasp) the Taliban!
p>”Conservatives are standing with the Taliban” is not an argument. It’s an inability to count to two.
p>I agree with the Taliban on a lot of things. I am not a fan of George Bush, I didn’t support the invasion of Afghanistan, and I would prefer it if US troops were to withdraw.
p>I am sure there are issues on which I hold common ground with Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, and Adolf Hitler. I am also sure that I don’t care.
p>And I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that demolished this pretty well earlier today.
Did you read what I wrote?
p>I don’t care what the Taliban thinks. They’re the Taliban.
p>I don’t know how I can be more clear about this.
that’s all I’ve taken note of. There are two videos in the post. One is illustrative of the conservative response. The second one includes a perspective on past Nobel prize winners that might be of interest.
On the decline of the well known product life cycle curve.
That vaccum, greater than the vaccum of space itself is the knowledge Joe Six Pack has about the United States government sell out to the corporate interests of multi-nationals.
The Greening of a society so hooked on instant communication they will whine about spotty cell phone service as they tread water.
No really, I always thought the current ammunition shortage was a very good sign.
p>None of you got that, did you.
The President has come in for criticism from both left and right regarding the Nobel. There is a crucial difference, however. The left questions whether he deserves the prize based on the criterion of peace citing things like Iraq and Afghanistan or simply that he hasn’t had a chance to achieve things worthy of the prize. The right, on the other hand, mocks the very premise of the prize and opposes the values it represents. The left hopes that Obama will make himself worthy of the prize whereas the right all but calls him a traitor for doing so.