I have the corpo-rat policy in my hand. I have presented it word for word. When I brought it up before I did not have “the proof” so I did delete the diary.
Whitter Health owns my wife because she works there. They have come out openly stating it as fact. It also appears to be effective retroactively since October 1, 2009 even if my wife had zero knowledge of it until today October 26, 2009. She has neither received a copy of it but will mostly likely be asked to attend a mandatory employee meeting to sign it before reading. I will update on that one.
Outside Interests: Employees are required to ensure that their activities, commitments and ownership interests outside of the Center do not create any actual or perceived conflict of interest. Employees must never permit their personal interests to conflict, or even appear to conflict, with the interests of the Center, its residents or anyone else doing business with the Center. Employees are required to avoid using the Center’s contacts to advance their private business or personal interests.
Clearly she has to be guilty of something here simply by not knowing what this even means.
You must notify the Center if you hold another job with another organization. An employee of the Center may hold a job with another organization, proveded that the employee satisfactorily performs his or her job responsibilities at the Center
Here is a good one.
False Claims: You are encouraged to first notify the Center if you suspect health care fraud and abuse, including false statements regarding a claim for payment, falsifying information in a medical record, double billing for items or services and billing for services or items not performed or never furnished. You are not required to report health care fraud and abuse to the Center first. You may choose to report such suspected health care fraud and abuse directly to the United States Department of Justice of Office of the Attorney General. However the Center believes that use of its internal reporting process allows the Center to address the suspected health care fraud or abuse quickly.
See the definition of neuro linguistic programming. Further updates about my wife getting fired because of me forthcoming.
joets says
Haven’t you ever heard that man is born free but everywhere he is in chains?
hrs-kevin says
No doubt there has been one or more reports of theft and management has decided to take a heavy-handed approach to the problem. They can probably get away with it as long as the economy is bad, but eventually it will make it very difficult for them to recruit and retain staff.
p>In any case, have there actually been any searches so far?
p>BTW, you have a really bad habit of assuming that everyone has read every single one of your posts carefully and always knows what you are talking about. Consequently, you all too often omit important details and context that would help the reader understand.
lasthorseman says
I am so advanced in being sure the United States is dead I do fail to fully illustrate why I know. That is because it just turns people off.
p>Is there a theft problem. Not really. Is there a morale problem, most definitely.
kirth says
unless you think that her body is included in “etc.”
p>FWIW, my employer just distributed a new Employee Handbook that includes the following, under the heading Security Inspections:
So, while your wife is apparently not subject to being frisked, I cannot say the same. We were all required to sign a statement that we agreed to the terms of the new employee handbook.
edgarthearmenian says
The so-called “associate handbook” ran to about 45 pages and did nothing more than assert the rights of the store corporation. I think that lawyers earn big bucks for producing these handbooks which must be signed and returned, and I think that these handbooks are pretty much the same everywhere. Thank goodness it is only a supplemental income for us; I don’t know how I would react if I had to sign such a piece of medieval “rights” of ownership.
kirth says
I take comfort in the thought that if they ever decide to go through with a search of my person, I will tell them where they can put their handbook, and their job. I do hope it doesn’t come to that. I also agree with HR’s K that it’s an artifact of the crappy economy. Were the job market more open, I would have made that speech at the appearance of the new handbook.
lasthorseman says
They wanted to assign my name to shipments, which could potentially go to other countries. By doing so I could be held responsible for such inane and unknown to me things like you can’t ship prohibited items to certain places. Oh, yeah, I am completely up to speed on international shipping and customs compliance. What? Isn’t everybody? Oh, yes I didn’t mention I speak 27 languages either. Anyway after that when I wanted to ship something, Dave the receiver got the package and I stopped signing my name to stuff.
p>While it does not say frisked the principle is the same. It’s easy to intimidate a bunch of women especially “in this economy”. If there is a theft problem then sure management is free to call the cops. The number is 911.
p>As a side note her place used to be a top shelf rehab center which used to pass 100% on state inspections. Now it does not. The good dedicated help is planning to leave which will further corrode it into an english is a second language and they will hide in rooms instead of answering lights. It will be a public option paying for a system people will want to avoid if at all possible.
p>That being said this is not a free country if that only means you are free to not work here, or there, or at any other place with non-draconian policies backed up by real laws and government agencies that won’t step up.
dhammer says
I’ve worked at a place where the presumption was all employees were stealing. Before leaving each day (off the clock mind you, which was probably illegal) I had to open my bag and turn out my pockets. It was disgusting then and this is disgusting.
p>The notion that they can’t ‘actually’ frisk her or that the beloved market will solve this problem once the economy turns around are insulting. The policy is vague about what it means regarding “premises”. Would a private vehicle in it’s parking lot be subject to the search, how about a purse or pockets. I could easily see this being written so that it could be narrowly interpreted by lawyers and broadly interpreted by the folks doing the searching. Lasthorseman’s post are often odd, but I would hope that on a blog that purports to be progressive, we’d get more sympathy for his wife.
p>This is a disgusting practice – it demonstrates a complete lack of respect for staff. I’ll also point out that if the staff at Whittier belonged to a union, their ability to implement a policy like this would involve negotiations with a democratically elected group representing the staff.
p>We spend a lot of time on this board talking about unions and politics and unions and macro-economics, but not enough about why everyone deserves to have a union – to bring democracy to the workplace, so when something unjust happens, you have more option than just to quit.
p>Lasthorseman, if enough folks at her job are upset about this, have your wife call 1199SEIU (877-409-1199) and talk to an organizer.
lasthorseman says
a union threat might have worked but I think public perception of unions has undergone a radical change.
regularjoe says
that allows a search of your wife’s person. Just her cubicle, purse, vehicles, computers etc . . . Are there controlled substances or other frequently purloined items in house? It seems pretty extreme to me.
lasthorseman says
drugs, patient property whatever so the potential is there. I do not however recall any commonly known law giving police power to corporate managers.
Yes I do know about
p>medical record privacy
p>And health care fraud
p>It used to be a top shelf rehab/nursing home.
christopher says
…even purses and personal vehicles should be off limits. Lockers, cubicles, and workspace are fine.
lasthorseman says
many reports have come in about this being a standard business practice. That being said the Flag, the country and all the dead soldiers from all of the wars mean nothing.