John F. Kerry, Massachusetts new senior senator, after decdes of military advise offers this sage advice to our field officers in Afghanistan. I am curious as to what exactly is Kerry’s level of expertise in military tactics and theory. Must have been his 90 days in the Riverine Force and multiple grievous injuries at the hand of the Laotian communists. At any rate—the esteemed senator is now dictating to the field officers in Afghanistan that they have it “all wrong.” This from the Winter Soldier FRAUD.
Good Enough—-Isn’t
War On Terror: Sen. John Kerry, who was so wrong about Iraq, now says our commander in Afghanistan is “reaching too far, too fast” and that a “good enough” policy should suffice. It won’t.
Offering his advice on how to micromanage the war against the Taliban, Kerry said Gen. Stanley McChrystal, President Obama’s hand-picked general to fight what he called a “war of necessity,” is wrong in saying he needs 40,000 more troops to fight and win it.
Speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations on Monday, Kerry advocated a “good enough” policy designed not to achieve victory in al-Qaida’s former home base but to merely get our troops out of there. “I believe his (McChrystal’s) current plan reaches too far, too fast,” he said.In his party’s weekly radio address in February 2007, the Massachusetts senator said: “Another 21,000 troops sent into Iraq, with no visible end or strategy, ignores the best advice from our own generals and isn’t the best way to keep faith with the courage and commitment of our soldiers.” Kerry branded the proposal for additional forces by Gen. David Petraeus, our commander in Iraq, as “nothing more than the escalation of a misguided war.”
More troops by itself is not an answer, but with the right strategy and the right commander they can be the tipping point, as Petraeus showed in Iraq. Once the goal of victory was established, President Bush let his commanders on the ground decide how to get there. Petraeus asked for more troops. He got them. He won.
At the NATO ministers’ meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, last Friday, NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said defense ministers broadly supported the strategy for Afghanistan outlined by McChrystal a long two months ago.
“I have noted a broad support from all ministers on this counter-insurgency approach,” Rasmussen said.
McChrystal, speaking in front of military specialists at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London recently, was asked whether he agreed with Vice President Joe Biden’s endorsement of a strategy more reliant on drone missile strikes and special forces operations against al-Qaida than more boots on the ground.
“The short answer is no,” McChrystal replied, adding that such a strategy would lead to “Chaos-istan.”…
While our president and commander in chief watches young men in Afghanistan die or be maimed for life while he campaigns for Corzine and Deed’s and plays golf and yes—-continues to ignore Gen McChrystals plea for additional troops.
p>That’s the kind of decisive chief executive that the American public richly deserves—they elected him.
p>I also failed to mention that a very high ranking General officer is about to announce his resignation in disgust—-watch the news. You heard it here first. Perhaps the dominoes will begin to fall.
“Perhaps the dominoes will begin to fall.”
p>What’s the last domino? So many of your ideological brethren are advocating direct action that you would be advised to clarify vaguely threatening statements such as that. Your ideological cousin lasthorseman has been untouched for cheering on the murder of a US government worker, so feel free to be honest.
would not be in Afghanistan until after the winter. This is something McChrystal himself said, so it is pretty silly to say that not sending them caused the upward spiral. It is more likely because in March we changed to a more aggressive strategy.
p>Kerry’s recommendation is for a change in the policy. The fact is that McChrystal’s advise for was a specific strategy that he was asked about. Kerry’s point that COIN won’t work in areas where the Afghans do not have the good governance needed to hold the area as the military moves on is a good point. (My concern is on the other side – Are there any areas with good enough governance. If there aren’t we can’t succeed with either plan.
p>By the way, Kerry’s expertise is in foreign policy from his years in the Senate, not his time in Vietnam. It is ridiculous that you and the right continue to lie and mock Kerry’s service. Does it bother you guys so much that he really is a highly decorated veteran? You had no problem with Bush and Cheney, neither of whom saw a day in the military setting strategy that the military disagreed with.
MCRD trashes Kerry who volunteered to serve in Vietnam
and at the same time licks McChrystals boots
and pays homage to his wisdom
largly if not exclusively
because he’s a senior military officer
and only for that reason.
MCRD doesn’t actually know much if anything about him just
give ole’ McChrystal 40,000 troops or we’ll lose
the Afghan civil war between the Taliban and the corrupt government.
you should take the time to explain what was fraudulent and how you attribute it to him.