Hartford Advocate (hat tip Greg Laden):
Barack Obama’s victory last year left many Republicans bemoaning their party’s ineptitude when it came to political exploitation of the Web. Democrats, they admitted, were far ahead in the art of using the Internet to seduce voters.
So Connecticut Republicans decided it was time to boldly forge into the 21st century, only to stumble when one of their decidedly deceptive experiments ran into trouble last week.
Twitter, Inc., shut down 33 fake Twitter accounts created by Republicans using the names of Democratic state representatives. The Republican scheme was to send out posts under the Democrats’ names mocking the liberal tax-and-spend bastards.
The ethics of it are completely lost on them:
“That’s unfortunate,” was state Republican Chairman Chris Healy’s response when told of Twitter, Inc.’s decision. “I’m not quite sure what the issue is, other than that the Democrats were successful in stopping free speech.”
Their Twitter ploy may have misfired, but Connecticut Republicans aren’t giving up on those 33 Web sites created in the names of the Democratic lawmakers. (The fake Twitter posts were linked back to those Web sites.)
I must admit though, this is progress for the GOP after a fashion. It’s as if someone hypothesized how Tricky Dick would operate in the internet age.
Rep: 75% D
Sen: 67% D
p>I have no idea how many Democrats are conservadems or any other finer details.
Impersonating the opposition is not the same as satirizing them. Chris Healy does a good job conflating the two.
p>Impersonating is also called rat-fucking. It is not unlike stealing letterhead and fraudulently sending a mailing out in their name, also known as the crime of mail fraud.
p>What Healy and the Republicans did is unquestionably dishonorable. If they had done it through the US mail, they’d be looking at a criminal record and jail time.
p>Imagine being a Republican and thinking the best way to spend your time was to dishonestly make you opponent look bad.
p>It’s all they got.
… here, including:
There are a bunch of people (badly) impersonating Democrats in Washington, DC, using such names as “Harry Reid” and “Mary Landrieu”.
Sarah Palin got more play on Saturday Night Live than Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich did. Why not make an unreal reality show about major American institutions devolving like the Soviet Union did. It made the opposition party not a real party after all. Fractions going to the Alex Jones crowd and even liberals dumping support of noBama for his nonresponse to just about everything.