Fool that I am, I agreed to go on Michael Graham’s radio show this morning. I’ll be on from 11 a.m. to noon for his weekly wrap-up. He’s on 96.9 FM (WTKK), or you can listen live at the station’s website.
So do me a big favor: call in! It would be great to have a few BMGers lighting up the phone lines. I’m not sure of the call-in number. It might be 617-822-1969; in any event, he’ll say it a million times during the show.
UPDATE: Whoops, my mistake. I didn’t realize that this “wrap-up” is a non-call-in segment. Sorry about that. Anyway, we had a gay old time.
Please share widely!
and Howie’s article today for the wingnuts.
Good debate.
p>Never tuned in before. Is there going to be a call in part? doesn’t sound that way. Sounds like a Bill Maher kind of panel.
What exactly do you hope to accomplish by going onto Michael Graham’s show?
As Dag Hammerskjold said:
“When the mad man yells in the marketplace, if no one responds, it proves his theory incontrovertible.”
p>David can take Graham..(.if Graham would take a breath and not talk over everyone he speaks with…he’s one rude and self-absorbed guy…just like “Tawd Finegold” on the Finneran Show)
Bring Graham Crackers………..
You did just fine. Healthy debate is healthy…and you know I’m a righty.
* – it was on Saturday Night Live. Long Ago. You could look it up..