The Arlington and Lexington Town Democratic Town Committees held a very nice fundraiser. There was a panel discussion with Senator Ken Donnelly, Representatives Jay Kaufmann, Will Brownsberger, and Sean Garballey. As always it was great to hear from this group of legislators.
While they were talking a straw poll for the Senate race was conducted. The results were: Coakley 30, Capuano 22, Pagliuca 0, Khazei 5, Undecided 4. As a Coakley supporter, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought Capuano might take it because the delegation was 3 to 1 Capuano to Coakley and there were a couple of people trying to turn the Coakley people into Capuano supporters.
Please share widely!
with this group of highly committed, active Democrats.
p>Great job by the Martha Coakley volunteers on the visibility on Massachusetts Ave. before the event, as well. (Full disclosure – the visibility was organized by my spouse, and I’m also supporting Coakley in the race.)
p>All of the campaigns sent representatives to the event to sign up volunteers and hand out swag, but only Coakley’s campaign had outdoor visibility. Beautiful day for it –
The purpose of the fundraiser was to raise money to once again open and operate a Democratic regional campaign office for the 2010 general election. Some of you may have worked at the East Arlington office last fall or at the office near Arlington Center in 2006. If you missed the event and would like to help fund our 2010 effort, you can find contact information in AmberPaw’s event listing or you can download a flyer from the Lexington DTC web site.
p>Or send me an email.
p>and that there is a “top to bottom” audit of the MBTA that will be released in November. I can’t wait.
The 1775 minuteman were true patriots which, in case you didn’t get the memo, Democrats by definition can never be:)
You do realize my comment was tongue-in-cheek, right?
Keep up the momentum.