J Street is the political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement.
We seek to change the direction of American policy in the Middle East and to broaden the public and policy debate in the U.S. about the Middle East. We support strong American leadership to end the Arab-Israeli and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts peacefully and diplomatically…
Prominent Israelis endorse J Street and the two-state solution
See which prominent Israelis endorse J Street and what they have to say about their country and it’s path to security and peace:
J Street: The new address for Middle East peace and security
For too long, the only voices politicians and policy makers have heard on American policy toward Israel and the Middle East have been from the far right. Neoconservatives, right-wing Jewish leaders and radical Christian Zionists have succeeded in imposing their narrow definition of what it means to be “pro-Israel” on American policy, undermining Israeli and American interests and squashing real debate about American foreign policy in the Middle East.
Fight back today with J Street, a new pro-peace, pro-Israel political movement dedicated to a new direction for American policy in the Middle East. When you sign up, you’ll receive urgent action alerts and updates from J Street about vital issues related to the fight for a pro-peace, pro-Israel American foreign policy.
christopher says
The views of this organization match my own pretty well. Today’s email from them informed us that the neocons were mounting a campaign against J-Street and have apparently scared some members of Congress away from getting too close. They apparently don’t want peace, but I can’t understand how one can be pro-Israel and anti-peace since the absence of peace is detrimental to Israel.
lasthorseman says
but that of course would be “anti-semitic”!
neilsagan says
whether or not it was anti-Semitic