It’s a minor point, but a delightful one. This is from US Senate candidate Scott Brown’s Ning site:
Don’t Use Obscenities: If you can’t articulate your thoughts without swearing, you will be tossed from the Brown Brigade.
Which cannot help but remind one of Senator Brown’s own inability to articulate his thoughts without swearing a couple of years ago, while talking to a bunch of high school sophomores:
State Senator Scott Brown, a rising star in the state’s depleted Republican ranks, yesterday defended his use of profanity during a student assembly at King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham …
Brown told Statehouse News Service that he used the “F-word” twice.
We had a grand time debating that incident when it happened. The lengthy (95 comments) thread still makes me chuckle.
Anyway, is there a “two f-bomb limit” over at the Brown Brigade, after which participants will be “tossed”? Or are the common folk held to a higher standard than Senator Brown himself, who, after dropping said two f-bombs in front of high school kids, was heard to ask, “What’s the issue, exactly? I don’t quite know what the big deal is, exactly.”
Frack that.
I hope they all get matching shirts.
Scott Brown was vehemently against same sex marriage in 2004 on. But recently he went on record saying that his opinions of same-sex marriage is the same now as Barack Obama and John Kerry…
I’d like to hear him say precisely what his opinion is, and not hide behind another politician.
p>I’m happy to hear his opinions have changed, but to be honest I’m not entirely clear what JFK or BHO’s opinions are, and of course those two are free to change their opinions at any time, just as SB is.
the latest is “marriage is between a man and a woman” and “let the state’s determine what is best” and I guess, at least I heard from Kerry’s people that John Kerry would “not support a Federal Marraige amendment.”
p>So in Brown’s words, that is where he stands. But if you want to hear from Scott Brown about SSM, ask him, I did.