We’ll be sending a strong message to President Obama that his self proclaimed title of “fierce advocate” for the LGBT community actually requires advocating on our issues. And our community will not let up until he finally follows through on his promises.
The protest is being organized by Join The Impact MA, a grassroots organization that is working towards full LGBT equality on the state and national level. More information about Join The Impact MA can be found at http://www.jointheimpactma.com
Please share widely!
Obama said during the campaign that he was against gay marriage. Did you think he was lying? Did you think that he was winking at you, and that as soon as he was in the White House he’d come out of the “closet” and support you?
p>You weren’t listening. That’s a you problem, not an Obama problem. He’s right about where I expected him to be. Then again, I wasn’t assuming that it was all a scam to get elected, like all the other lying pols. Remember “Change”?
p>That’s different than promoting marriage equality.
That he was opposed to the component of DOMA that denies federal benefits to same sex couples and supported its repeal.
p>He also campaigned against DADT.
p>The LGBT community is simply saying that it’s time for Obama to make good on those promises to the extent that a President can without Congressional action.
One note is that Obama is actually opposed to all of DOMA (which was a distinguishing factor between him and Hillary in the primaries since she only supported repeal of Section 3), but these lawsuits in MA only deal with Section 3 specifically which have to do with the substantive federal marriage rights.
If other plans for the day don’t work out.
Oh dear, oh dear. No, Mark, you weren’t listening. You weren’t listening to what this post is about, which is distinctly not gay marriage. Nor, apparently, were you listening when Obama campaigned to repeal DOMA and end DADT.
It would cause a stink in the US military that may result in a tsunami of consequences that no one could conceive.
p>There have been events in the course of humankind that no one dreamed that the enormity of the resultant calamity was so gossly disproportionate to the precipitant ie Prinz Ferdinand and Sarajevo.
p>Sometimes its best to sit back and count the money you have in the bank rather than risk the entire account.
To date whose predictions of gloom and doom has come even remotely true regarding the consequences of recognizing gay rights? The fact is that your sexual orientation has no impact on your ability to fight or serve in any other duty in the military. Remember when blacks and whites couldn’t serve together? Same thing.
where else have I heard that before? Apparently, according to your own words, repealing Dont Ask Don’t Tell would start World War Three. Pray, tell, who will wage that war against us? The bigots?
Should we all just sit down and accept politicians when they are wrong on the issues? Why have elections at all?
I love the idea of these various groups organizing protests and rallies for LGBT causes, but I think our energies need to be focused on the legislators in congress and the senate who are the real roadblocks to reform that we want.
p>I know this is about the justice dept. (exec. branch) but I think we need to focus more on the legislative branch.
p>Mass equality was so effective in MA because they worked to elect pro-equality candidates. And they also made sure that any pol in a conservative district stayed elected.
p>Instead of a hundred people marching, have 10 people write a letter to their congressman, or any congressman.
This is just one way to get involved and help keep the pressure on. We’re also working on Maine Equality doing canvassing and phone banking.
p>Instead of just criticizing, why not get involved and help make a letter writing campaign happen? JTI-MA is always welcoming of new members.