…that one of ours shows that two can play this game!
Grayson is using evidence to state positions strongly. A Republican observer might go further and say Grayson is being uncivil or rude.
p>Bachmann, at least, has unsubstantiated fantasies about what the White House is up to (e.g., with the census) and talks as if she were certain they were true.
p>I don’t find these to be equivalent.
Liberal hating has become so deeply ingrained in conservative thought that it has become invisible. We expect it.
p>Here’s an example. On this site, the conservative links are listed as “differently winged.” Go to Red Mass Group. What are the liberal sites listed as?
BMG’s header proclaims “Reality-based commentary…” whereas RMG’s simply says “News and commentary…”, so apparently they don’t bother pretending!:)
p>Can you explain how this speech employs the “same tactics used by the Republican Congressmen and women whose arguments… [etc.] Michele Bachmann?”
p>Unless you mean “same tactics” = “fighting back for once.”
In this speech he doesn’t but in the “Die Quickly” speech he did.
p>Grayson also managed to use two words to describe what is wrong with the whole profit-centered medical system.
p>I fail to see any moral or tactical equivalence with Bachman et al. Grayson is trying to do what he is saying he is trying to do, pass a better health-care law.
p>He does not, for instance, claim that on page 513 of the Republican bill is a provision requiring doctors to euthanize sick people when their health insurance runs out, in concert with a coordinated big-lie campaign to that effect.
I like Rep. Alan Grayson and what he’s doing. I’m just holding it up for critique because I’m interested in what you and others think about it. I’m going to find the “Die Quickly” video. In it he takes a different tack and I’d like to get feedback on that too. How is it different that the outrageous stuff we see from the Republican congressmen and women who are birthers, deathers, homophobes and anti-census etc..
“I will not apologize.” — Good.
p>”Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” — Bad. That’s how they talk. If the message is that we’ll do it without you, then bring them in — on our terms.
…that one of ours shows that two can play this game!
Grayson is using evidence to state positions strongly. A Republican observer might go further and say Grayson is being uncivil or rude.
p>Bachmann, at least, has unsubstantiated fantasies about what the White House is up to (e.g., with the census) and talks as if she were certain they were true.
p>I don’t find these to be equivalent.
Liberal hating has become so deeply ingrained in conservative thought that it has become invisible. We expect it.
p>Here’s an example. On this site, the conservative links are listed as “differently winged.” Go to Red Mass Group. What are the liberal sites listed as?
BMG’s header proclaims “Reality-based commentary…” whereas RMG’s simply says “News and commentary…”, so apparently they don’t bother pretending!:)
p>Can you explain how this speech employs the “same tactics used by the Republican Congressmen and women whose arguments… [etc.] Michele Bachmann?”
p>Unless you mean “same tactics” = “fighting back for once.”
In this speech he doesn’t but in the “Die Quickly” speech he did.
is an acceptable rhetorical device.
p>Grayson also managed to use two words to describe what is wrong with the whole profit-centered medical system.
p>I fail to see any moral or tactical equivalence with Bachman et al. Grayson is trying to do what he is saying he is trying to do, pass a better health-care law.
p>He does not, for instance, claim that on page 513 of the Republican bill is a provision requiring doctors to euthanize sick people when their health insurance runs out, in concert with a coordinated big-lie campaign to that effect.
I like Rep. Alan Grayson and what he’s doing. I’m just holding it up for critique because I’m interested in what you and others think about it. I’m going to find the “Die Quickly” video. In it he takes a different tack and I’d like to get feedback on that too. How is it different that the outrageous stuff we see from the Republican congressmen and women who are birthers, deathers, homophobes and anti-census etc..
“I will not apologize.” — Good.
p>”Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” — Bad. That’s how they talk. If the message is that we’ll do it without you, then bring them in — on our terms.
That’d be better politics.