Attorney General Martha Coakley has gained one of the most sought-after union endorsements in the race for US Senate, winning key backing from the Service Employees International Union local council.
The council, which represents five unions and 60,000 workers, voted on the endorsement last night. It is the first time the council decided as a group to back one candidate.
Other Union Endorsements:
Teamsters, nine local chapters (21,800 members)
Unite Here, Local 26 (6,300 members)
New England Regional Council of Carpenters (10,785 members)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 103 (6,000 members)
Office & Professional Employees, Local 6 (5,400 members)…
Even more importantly Coakley has put out her position paper on financial regulatory overhaul- Impressive- well thought out and comprehensive-These are the issues that should sway the voters- Unfortunately irrelevant and petty tripe seems to rule on the blogs and in the media. Those who truly care to elect the most competent and committed to change candidate should do their homework-
This is a key issue for me this election.
p>Great to see SEIU’s support. They’re a force.
Here ya go.
…and her vigorous wage and hour work, and respect shown for working conditions, and all of those in her organization.
p>Again, it is over that asbestos situation and her advocacy for “the little guy” that I got to know, respect, and admire Martha.
p>So, I applaud the wisdom of SEIU in endorsing Martha Coakley and know that, no matter how it goes, “we” will all have one candidate on December 9th.
It feels early, but I guess it isn’t, given the calendar.