Two down, a few more to come over the next few days. Drop by.
Where there are gaps, I will update these pages. Naturally, I’ve made a few comments, but only a few.
October 12 update: Equal rights.
Another update: The economy.
October 14 update: Education
Please share widely!
Health choice- swine vaccine? In my cold dead arm.
Given the indoctrination of the medical profession in the wake of HIPPA you can go ahead and give them the shot first, no loss I guess.
Also, ain’t buy no insurance with no job.
p>Iraq Afghanistan,Iran,North Korea,Venezula(cause they gots oil)
The “Allied Forces” left Berlin in the year 1993.
p>Homeboy Stupidity
Cop tackles special needs student for not having his shirt tucked in.
p>Go green
Massive savings could be had by simple shutting off 300 channels of high density Satan inspired crap and doing without the massive electric waste of cell phones.
They can all promise everything you want to hear, but only 1 can actually manage an enterprise and make money doing it.
Running profitable enterprises is no more a qualification for Senator than an ability to play the Liszt B-minor Sonata, to remove gall bladders, or to grow orchids. It’s an achievement, certainly.
p>So are lots of other things.
making up witty handles
p>Username: Howie Vennochi
PersonId: 8692
Created: Fri Oct 09, 2009 at 20:48:22 PM EDT
Howie Vennochi’s RSS Feed
A couple random points:
that he favors single payer. I think it’s in this post.
He’s an HR 676 cosponsor as of November 2007.
I knew, in fact, that Capuano supported single payer. I was trying to be extra nice to Coakley.
Equal rights.
I’d expect that AG Coakley might have something to say about the Patriot Act. The omission surprises me.
During one of the presidential debates, my ears really perked up when Joe Biden defended the PATRIOT Act. He said there was nothing wrong with it, but that Bush’s handling of it was the problem.
p>This being a debate, there was no followup, but Biden remains the only Democrat I’ve ever heard defend the act. In the debate context it was refreshing, because nearly everyone on stage who had a chance to voted for it.
Sorry, I screwed that up. The correct link is here and in the main diary text.
p>This one surprised me a little.