Do I detect a pull back from the pre-selling program of global eugenics via swine flu vaccines? Could it be so? The 24/7 media hype seems to have magically gone away. Did we get a reprieve or not.
Please share widely!
just for the comments.
It almost sounds as if certain kinds of Christian fundamentalism have gone all the way in replacing knowledge with faith. Here, a purely secular faith, suffices for all sorts of personal decisions.
In this venue “Christian fundamentalism” is culturally derogatory thus allowing you to dismiss and not look into this particular vaccine.
I highly recommend the Audiobook version of Three Bags Full: A Sheep Detective Story.
…including for each seasonal flu. Could a non-conspiracy theorist please take a moment to explain why there does seem to be more mainstream concern about the H1N1 vaccine, and if such concerns are at all justified?
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.
If you mean new vaccines the best example is as I mentioned the annual re-creation of the seasonal flu vaccine since each year’s flu is technically a new strain and we can’t just make more of last years.
p>If you mean of public concern I guess I just mean all the news reports (at least down in the DC area where I’ve been lately) about parents who feel uneasy and others like health care professionals balking at being required to take it.
Here’s a partial explanation:
p>As the article points, the current virus is vastly different:
p>Which does raise the question of the source of the current paranoia.
Nuclear- heat homes-incincerate homes
Electronics-bring people together-control by isolation
Medical-Cure people-bioweapons
p>Are we culturally mature enough to manage the technology we do have. That is all I am presenting here. All of us should be aware the rhetoric on both sides is heating up.
Exactly the same thing we’ve been using for the flu for the last twenty years.
p>Why are you so concerned about it now?
Baxter sent 72 kilos of contaminated vaccine to the Czech Republic and they discovered it.…
p>Patent on swine flu vaccine predates media’s roll out.
p>Totally unconstitutional Mass bill S2028 mandates all kinds of things even validating Glen Beck’s FEMA camp/quarrantine thing. Road stops, microchip I have had the shot bracelets, do you really want to live in a sci-fi Mad Max dystopia?
p>More links…
p>The military industrial complex has been married to the medical industrial complex in very evil ways.…
You won’t get one. But you will get a catalog of every anti-vacciner on the planet all dressed up with a dozen or so “factual” reports.
I see you are impressed with the current performance of these Bernie Madoff type characters? Profits over people.
on the bright side, you won’t get killed in the swine flu vaccine holocaust, but what’s the point of being alive if you’re considered a deranged outcast and human contact is best described as “awkward”?
p>Being the social, gregarious person I am, I think I’d rather join the sheep getting their euthanasia shots then being a creepy social outcast who doesn’t wipe his ass because the government puts poison in the toilet paper.
An expat assignment and my socio-Mom contributed most heavily to my awakening. I rather enjoy my worldview because it is honest and not all Clockwork Orange illusion after illusion. The company ending my career and disbanding their most productive R&D group contributed also.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
more of a Zecharia Sitchin fan
and the rest of your posts as well. You are really something special, I will give you that. You either really care or are careening out of control. It is an interesting spectacle.
R&D engineer at major global company, three happy kids, suburban house, dogs in the yard all that. Then Mom had a massive psych breakdown while caring for Dad who is 86 with alzheimers. I had to answer charges of elder abuse just for attending three years of elder care financial planning meetings with numerous “professionals” in the field. Let me tell you there is zero solution to that problem. After a solid year of job searching I think I am on a Homeboy Insecurity secret no work list as I have excellent skills in multiple scientific areas yet have been rejected for the meanial job of installing cable TV.
p>What is exceptionally and insanely offensive is that I am watching a whole “News” report supposedly by adults about how the doll Barbie has canckles.
p>Yes I do care about the fall of the empire and more about why nobody, especially here sees it.