I’m watching Beck now, and he’s got on his chalkboard a kind of diagram drawn connecting Obama to Valerie Jarrett, his White House aide, whom he’s also connected to ACORN and communism (really, there’s a hammer-and-sickle on his chalkboard next to Jarrett’s image). Apparently Jarrett knows somebody in Chicago who is a slumlord. So now Barack Obama, in Beck’s world, is responsible for a woman in the Chicago project named “Peaches” (I kid you not) having to live in a dump.
Beck just thanked his audience for having the patience to listen to him explain it all to them.
Honestly, how can people take this guy seriously? Communism in the White House? Obama a filthy scumbag because Peaches can’t get her apartment fixed? A conservative colleague just stuck his head in my door and said, “You watching this guy? I’ve been hearing about his show, and I just turned it on. Unbelievable. I used to like him when he was on the radio. What happened to him?”
p>It can’t go on for much longer. How does it all end?
To date (10/04/09), here is a list of sponsors that either: 1) have had ads run in the past and haven’t confirmed yet that they will no longer run ads or 2) continue to run ads on the Glenn Beck Program. Sponsors in bold are the ones that you should focus your efforts on. Feel free to contact them all, but the bold sponsors are the target for now.
p> * 1-800-PetMeds
* ADT Security
* Bosley * Brita * Brother International Corporation
* Carbonite
* Cinergy Health * CNN (commercial for American Morning) * Dish Network
* Conservatives for Patient’s Rights * Easy Water (added 8/28/09)
* ExtenZe
* FEMA (National Flood Insurance Program)
* Foundation for a Better Life
* FX
* Getaroom.com (added 9/18/09)
* Goldline International, Inc. * GoToMeeting (Citrix)
* Johnson Law Group * Jos A Bank
* HealthMart Pharmacies
* Hydrolyze
* Independent Women Forum
* IRSTaxAgreements.com * Kellog’s
* Lanacane
* Law Office of Pulaski & Middleman (added 9/21/09)
* Lear Capital * Lexus (Toyota) (added 9/17/09)
* Liberty Medical
* LifeLock
* Loan Modfication help line (1-888-336-5967)
* Merit Financial * National Geographic Society (National Geographic Channel)
* National Review
* NewsMax
* Publisher’s Clearing House
* Pfizer
* Quicken Loans
* Repower America
* Roche (Accu-Chek Aviva)
* Rosland Capital * Sandals
* Scarguard
* Topdot Mortgage
* The Scooter Store
* The Villages (added 9/18/09)
* Wall Street Journal
* Weekly Standard (Clarity Media Group) * Zero Water (added 8/28/09)
p>See Glenn Beck as a psycho who is encouraging extreme prejudice upon the individual who occupies the Oval Office.
p>The above noted sponsors if that horrific tragedy ever occured would and should be in the same class as Dr. Mudd – namely funding and aiding and abetting a felonious act.
p>Howie Carr has no moral conscience. He is nothing more than the Gordon Gekko of local talk radio. An insecure individual who can measure his success only by the degree to which he has attempted to destroy someone else. Seems that goes all the way back to his parents who he has attacked on his show dozens of times. His father, who I believe is still alive at over 100 and his mother have been the butt of his venom. So, it is no surprise that he has made his career, such as it, is by attempting to destroy others. He has succeeded with some – Jerry Williams comes to mind. Williams’ daughters blame Howie Carr for their father’s sudden decline and death. It must gall him to see that Mike Barnicle is much more successful and probably makes twice as much money as Carr does even though he has done everything in his power to both destroy Barnicle’s career and his personal well being. The list is endless.
p>As someone once said, ‘ be nice to the people on the way up because you will need them on the way down’ will some day apply to Howie Carr.
p>The boycott of his sponsors and direct calls to them is appropriate and will succeed if we are persistent.
Perhaps you can enlighten us.
As more time passes the guy just gets weirder and weirder.
p>It can’t go on for much longer. How does it all end?
To date (10/04/09), here is a list of sponsors that either: 1) have had ads run in the past and haven’t confirmed yet that they will no longer run ads or 2) continue to run ads on the Glenn Beck Program. Sponsors in bold are the ones that you should focus your efforts on. Feel free to contact them all, but the bold sponsors are the target for now.
p> * 1-800-PetMeds
* ADT Security
* Bosley
* Brita
* Brother International Corporation
* Carbonite
* Cinergy Health
* CNN (commercial for American Morning)
* Dish Network
* Conservatives for Patient’s Rights
* Easy Water (added 8/28/09)
* ExtenZe
* FEMA (National Flood Insurance Program)
* Foundation for a Better Life
* FX
* Getaroom.com (added 9/18/09)
* Goldline International, Inc.
* GoToMeeting (Citrix)
* Johnson Law Group
* Jos A Bank
* HealthMart Pharmacies
* Hydrolyze
* Independent Women Forum
* IRSTaxAgreements.com
* Kellog’s
* Lanacane
* Law Office of Pulaski & Middleman (added 9/21/09)
* Lear Capital
* Lexus (Toyota) (added 9/17/09)
* Liberty Medical
* LifeLock
* Loan Modfication help line (1-888-336-5967)
* Merit Financial
* National Geographic Society (National Geographic Channel)
* National Review
* NewsMax
* Publisher’s Clearing House
* Pfizer
* Quicken Loans
* Repower America
* Roche (Accu-Chek Aviva)
* Rosland Capital
* Sandals
* Scarguard
* Topdot Mortgage
* The Scooter Store
* The Villages (added 9/18/09)
* Wall Street Journal
* Weekly Standard (Clarity Media Group)
* Zero Water (added 8/28/09)
Is as American as Apple Pie.
p>See Glenn Beck as a psycho who is encouraging extreme prejudice upon the individual who occupies the Oval Office.
p>The above noted sponsors if that horrific tragedy ever occured would and should be in the same class as Dr. Mudd – namely funding and aiding and abetting a felonious act.
p>Howie Carr has no moral conscience. He is nothing more than the Gordon Gekko of local talk radio. An insecure individual who can measure his success only by the degree to which he has attempted to destroy someone else. Seems that goes all the way back to his parents who he has attacked on his show dozens of times. His father, who I believe is still alive at over 100 and his mother have been the butt of his venom. So, it is no surprise that he has made his career, such as it, is by attempting to destroy others. He has succeeded with some – Jerry Williams comes to mind. Williams’ daughters blame Howie Carr for their father’s sudden decline and death. It must gall him to see that Mike Barnicle is much more successful and probably makes twice as much money as Carr does even though he has done everything in his power to both destroy Barnicle’s career and his personal well being. The list is endless.
p>As someone once said, ‘ be nice to the people on the way up because you will need them on the way down’ will some day apply to Howie Carr.
p>The boycott of his sponsors and direct calls to them is appropriate and will succeed if we are persistent.
Of course I meant the boycotting of Glenn Beck.