Gerry Callahan of WEEI does not believe that racism is a problem in America. EB3’s foil, Howie Carr, howls any time anyone brings up racism as an issue plaguing America. Well racism in America is doing just fine thank you.
In Louisiana a white judge refused to allow a black man to marry a white woman. It is now 2009 and there are still people in places of power who say things like. “I’m not a racist. I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way,” and “I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”
It is 2009 and 4th graders are asking our president “why do people hate you.” Our president said that it was part of his job. It was a good answer but it wasn’t the truth. In my opinion, the main reason Rush Limbaugh, Gerry Callahan and Howie Carr hate our president is because he is black. I stuck in the “in my opinion” disclaimer because I don’t want Rush to sue me too.
This man lets black people use his bathroom, what a guy!!
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but defamation cases bring character into the equation. If I were advising him I would tell him to bluster all he wanted but to be very careful about filing suit and exposing yourself to pre-trial discovery that eventually will be leaked. Limbaugh is playing the victim card and is loving it. I think that this will be the extent of it.