The voters of the Commonwealth are hiring a person to perform the very specific job of United State Senator from Massachusetts. This requires a very well-crafted set of skills that are only used in the legislative branch of government. Senators are not executives like a Mayor, Governor, Attorney General, President, CEO of a company or the head of a nonprofit. People that work as executives only need a coalition of one to be effective but legislators need to build a majority among their colleagues to be effective. This type of coalition building is a unique skill to the legislative branch of government and in the hands of a master is amazing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Billy Ryan from Weymouth put it best: “There are two types of Legislators in our government. Those that allow themselves to be shaped by the system and those who shape the system.” Ted Kennedy was a legislator that shaped the system and Mike Capuano has been a congressman that has shaped the system. He risked his political future to vote against the war in Iraq, drew a line in the sand for a public option for healthcare reform, and led the way on ethics reform in the House. Representative Capuano has not been a bench warmer for the 8th congressional district of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts but a leader on all progressive issues. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The congressman’s voting record is impressive, but the reasoning behind his votes is more important when selecting a senator. None of us can know what the future holds but a wise person will look at the past to forecast the future. When Senator Kennedy was elected, no one could have predicted the issues he would have to vote on in his lifetime. The same is true with Mike Capuano. I do not know what issues are going to come up in the senate but I can forecast his vote will be the same as what mine would be. When I researched the Congressman’s voting record I looked for how and why he voted on issues. It is easy to say you are against the Iraq war now, but back when it wasn’t popular to stand up against the war, Mike Capuano did. His reason was simple: I cannot ask my countrymen to send their son to fight in a war that I would not be willing to send my own son to fight in. Issue after issue I found that the congressman’s vote and reasoning lined up with my own. I have collected a series of videos from Open Mike events that show the congressman talking about issues. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These videos are indicative of the type of enterprise Congressman Mike Capuano is running: a grassroots campaign that goes to the main streets and back roads of the Commonwealth. He is not trying to buy this election with a lot of media advertisements or only meeting with high dollar donors that attend exclusive fundraisers. Mike and his family are walking the street, going to the town halls, and attending open meetings to listen to voters, answer questions, and talk about his ideas. How hard a candidate works to get your vote is the best benchmark to judge the type of constituent services the candidate will provide as senator. Congressman Mike Capuano is working hard to become your senator and he will work just as hard for you when he is your senator. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On November 1, I will be joining the campaign and would love to have your help. If you are supporting Congressman Mike Capuano or would like to volunteer on the campaign please send me an email at: or sign up here Because I am going to be working on the Capuano campaign full time, I will not be able to continue my work with Jim Cantwell, Deval Patrick or Barack Obama campaign until after this election. If you are interested in helping with these other campaigns please contact the following people.
Think you for taking the time to read my reasons for supporting Congressman Mike Capuano and do not forget to vote on December 8, 2009. |
Who is Bowes3 supporting for Massachusetts Senate seat? (Congressman Mike Capuano )
Please share widely!
p>Saturday, October 31 from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Bart’s Cafe, 286 Main Street, Greenfield, MA
p>Saturday, October 31 from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Taylor’s Fine Dining, 34 Holden Street, North Adams, MA
p>Saturday, October 31 from 1:45 PM – 3:30 PM
Mazzeo’s Ristorante, 7 Winter Street, Pittsfield, MA
p>Saturday, October 31 from 4:15 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: The Home of John Foley, 1308 Northampton Street, Easthampton, MA
p>Saturday, October 31 from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Smith College Democrats, 10 Elm Street, Northampton, MA
p>Sunday, November 1 from 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Caffe di Siena, 33 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, MA
p>Sunday, November 1 from 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM
Coffee Emporium, 420 Boston Road, Billerica, MA
p>Sunday, November 1 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Slattery’s Restaurant, 106 Lunenberg Street, Fitchburg, MA
p>Sunday, November 1 from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Belmont Hill Club, 825 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA
p>Sunday, November 1 from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Ronan’s Malden, 166 Eastern Avenue, Malden, MA
Thanks for putting them all in one place!!!