Capuano I thought had the strongest presence, and made it pretty clear that he’d be the strongest liberal voice in the Senate. Perhaps twenty years from now in the mold of another Liberal Lion. In that sense he won.
p>Coakley has a great many advantages, and did not squander any by something anything stupid or noticeable. She’s no Liberal Lion, but a believable Senator. She fought to a tie or close loss, which is equivalent to a win in her position.
Whom would you want to be your next senator?
Capuano was…loud. That’s about it, I’m not moved.
p>Khazei, poor guy, I thought he was a train-wreck, he even made fun of himself, Why you Khazei? Well, because Martha’s already the AG and she’s doing such a good job she should stay there and Capuano is already the Rep same thing with him…so, um, maybe I should be the senator so they can stay put? haha ouch
p>Pagl who? I forgot he was up there.
p>It was definetly between Capuano and Coakley but the difference, and I think this has been a key differnece between the two since the beginning, is that Capuano comes off as the arrogant heir to the Kennedy thrown while Coaley is a confident leader who brings a different set of skills to the table.
p>Anyone can raise their voice, but I care about authentic leadership and tonight Coakley did a great job explaiing how her two decades of advocacy in the Commonwealth will pay off in Washington.
p>She got specific on all the issues from Afghanistan to Immigration. She fully appreciates the intricacies of each issue and unlike her opponets, she doesn’t huff and puff and shout Kennedy’s name: she explains the muti-facet aspects of the issues and offers the complex, yet realistic and achievable plans of action they deserve.
that Capuano comes off as the arrogant heir to the Kennedy thrown
p>I see. I think the word I’d chose (if I were supporting another candidate) is that Capuano is being “presumptuous” to make the argument that as the only US Congressmen in the race with by requisite liberal credentials, that is the best fit and natural choice.
p>You say arrogant, I say presumptuous. You say thrown I say throne.
Who did I like most in the debate? Mike Capuano. But I’ll be honest — he’d have had to be pretty bad for me to say otherwise. I bet you liked Coakley the best, eloise…I just betcha…
p>Who do I think won as in got the most long-term benefit from his/her performance in the debate. On that, Coakley won by not losing.
based on that performance closely followed by Coakley.
p>Coakley did well, but I really think she needs to express more emotion. Her tight-mouthed manner of speaking and her unexpressive face can sometimes come of as overly cold.
is what you get
My Public Speaking seniors watched the debate today, knowing virtually nothing about the candidates. Quite of a few of them said they did not like Coakley, that she came across as stern and scary. Some liked the “regular guy” quality of Capuano. Some liked Khazei because he was calm. Not much on Pags. Overall, I’d say they liked Khazei the best, based on their comments.
…was that (well, in my opinion, at least) one of the key reasons that Reid finally came out today with a form of a public option was that it was clear that over 60 members of the House had pledged to vote against any health reform bill that did not contain a public option. Michael Capuano was one of them. He’s a genuine “health care hero”. I think he can legitimately claim at least a significant partial credit for this. In fact I was surprised he didn’t.
When Khazei was whining that change wasn’t happening in Washington, I couldn’t help thinking “On this day of all days, he’s saying change isn’t happening? The Majority Leader introduced a bill with a public option, and this is the day he says change isn’t happening…there hasn’t been this much change in DC since 1/20/09.”
Had a command that I would be proud to see in a Senator. Coakley offered much of what I already scene: a competent and qualified candidate who is equally on and off the mark. Khazei’s expectations were most likely pretty low to begin with so may have won some over, but nothing overly impressive. Pags had the right answers at times but to the people who watched, he’s certainly more of a side-show.
p>While I’m currently supporting Khazei, Caps made a strong case for me. He demonstrated the command and confidence I want in my senator.
and Martha was clearly the one who ruled the stage- Capuano was arrogant and angry (can he stop using Kennedy’s name?) , Pags was a bit out of his league and Alan khazei was- well- verbose-
Coakley could have strangled a kitten on stage and you would have said she came off looking like an animal lover. Not trying to be rude, just saying that you obviously have very strong feelings for Martha.
While Martha stands up for children and old people, her treatment of kittens was disgusting and beyond the pale. Even though she did strangle both male and female kittens in a display of equanimity, her respect for animal life and humane treatment of cute pets, namely doe-eyed furry helpless kittens, and with such anger, vehemence and arrogance was an offense I will not abide.
You forget that these kittens are solely responsible for the spread of the bubonic plague in our communities. Her strangulation of these preposterously adorable creatures was an incredible show of strength. Don’t you care about our children? Are you pro plague?
p>sorry, I couldn’t resist.
i take a lot of campaign money from the committee for world-wide 0% population growth and Teraflu manufacturer Boache Pharmaceuticals so there’s your answer.
But it has no bearing on the actual debate, as none of the candidates showed the intestinal fortitude to take the coming kitten plague on.
p>In all seriousness. I am obviously partial to Capuano because I like the fact that he is feisty and passionate. And I thought he showed that he will be willing to fight for the issues that I care most about.
p>Coakley didn’t hurt herself, but she didn’t really blow me away, I think she actually said “we will work hard to find good solutions” once. Her diction needs a little work. But hey, I’m partial to the other guy.
i think all four candidates are extremely capable people. Talk about a cross section of talent!
p>Still, the @1 choice is obvious to me… and it’s not the kitty killer… but she runs a close second in my book.
But it has no bearing on the actual debate, as none of the candidates showed the intestinal fortitude to take the coming kitten plague on.
p>In all seriousness. I am obviously partial to Capuano because I like the fact that he is feisty and passionate. And I thought he showed that he will be willing to fight for the issues that I care most about.
p>Coakley didn’t hurt herself, but she didn’t really blow me away, I think she actually said “we will work hard to find good solutions” once. Her diction needs a little work. But hey, I’m partial to the other guy.
Capuano was arrogant and angry (can he stop using Kennedy’s name?
p>Can anyone provide examples of words spoken and/or moments that transpired which clearly indicate arrogance and anger? I just don’t see it. I’m open to being convinced.
Honestly- I talked to those around me- even Capuano supporters and they said the same thing. Seems I also read it in either this blog post or one other by a Capuano supporter. Maybe it was more obvious when you were in the room and it didn’t come across on tv?
the only one who came across as dour bordering on angry was Kaz. Martha, even while strangling the male and female kitten, was smiling and seemed to be enjoying herself.
I’ll stop that five moves ahead…that will never be in the bill, so stop even thinking it will happen…that’s not how it works…and on and on and on…
Is that one of those non-specific terms that people use to attack liberals?
First, no one disagreed with the other on substance…
p>Martha babbled through most of the debate, but hit her closing wonderfully. May have moved one or two undecided her way.
p>Cap probably won and lost the same amount of voters with his confidence which bordered on condescending.
p>Khazei lost the most with his windiness and never laid the foundation of why his background makes him a US Senator. Won’t have much more chances…did he peak at Merrimack College last week?
p>Pags, hey at least Khazei will be remembered as the guy that talked to much. Pags never even hit that bar.
Attorney General Highlights Record of Taking on the Tough Fights and Getting Results
For Immediate Release: October 26, 2009
Contact: Alex Zaroulis (617) 549-0358, Mathew Helman (617) 821-8004
Boston, MA – U.S. Senate candidate Martha Coakley made her case tonight that she will be a different kind of leader in Washington and pledged to take on the tough fights and get results.
At the first U.S. Senate debate hosted by the John F. Kennedy Library, and sponsored by the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, Coakley articulated a strong record of accomplishment and promised to take the fight to Washington in January.
“People want a different kind of leader in their United States Senator. They want someone who won’t be afraid to stand up for people, take on the tough fights, and get things done,” said Coakley, who arrived at the Kennedy Library to a sea of dozens of supporters.
Martha Coakley has a strong record of getting results for Massachusetts. Whether it’s locking up sexual predators, prosecuting abusive nursing home operators or cracking down on health insurers and pharmaceutical companies, Martha has never been afraid to take on the tough fights. She took on the utilities for unfair rate increases and Wall Street firms for their role in the financial crisis.
If elected to the Senate, Coakley will push for health insurance reform that will expand coverage, improve quality and contain costs, including a strong public option for everyone to foster greater competition in the industry. She has also pledged to crack down on Wall Street and push for broader regulation of the financial services industry to prevent another economic collapse.
She talked about the importance of selecting Supreme Court Justices who have common sense and understand that the decisions they make affect people’s lives. Finally, she talked about the need to be clear about our objectives in Afghanistan and tied any troop escalation to the President laying out clear goals and providing our troops with the resources necessary to achieve them.
Hundreds of grassroots supporters of Martha Coakley for U.S. Senate convened at a number of debate watch parties held across the Commonwealth in cities and towns including Boston, Cambridge, Dartmouth, Duxbury, Falmouth, Fitchburg, Foxboro, Framingham, Greenfield, Martha’s Vineyard, Medfield, Nantucket, New Bedford, Northampton, Norwood, Waltham, Williamstown, and Worcester.
Coakley became Massachusetts’ first female Attorney General in January 2007. Since then, she has established herself as a leader on a variety of issues affecting Massachusetts residents, including addressing the foreclosure crisis that has plagued families in Massachusetts. As part of her Cyber Crime Initiative, Coakley revolutionized the tools available to prosecutors for fighting crime in the 21st century, ensuring that Massachusetts is on the cutting edge of public safety.
Coakley, 56, was raised in North Adams. She is a graduate of Williams College in Williamstown, MA, where she was a member of the first class admitted to the college that included female students. She received her law degree from Boston University School of Law in 1979. Coakley resides in Medford with her husband, Thomas F. O’Connor, a retired police Deputy Superintendent.
Capuano I thought had the strongest presence, and made it pretty clear that he’d be the strongest liberal voice in the Senate. Perhaps twenty years from now in the mold of another Liberal Lion. In that sense he won.
p>Coakley has a great many advantages, and did not squander any by something anything stupid or noticeable. She’s no Liberal Lion, but a believable Senator. She fought to a tie or close loss, which is equivalent to a win in her position.
Whom would you want to be your next senator?
Capuano was…loud. That’s about it, I’m not moved.
p>Khazei, poor guy, I thought he was a train-wreck, he even made fun of himself, Why you Khazei? Well, because Martha’s already the AG and she’s doing such a good job she should stay there and Capuano is already the Rep same thing with him…so, um, maybe I should be the senator so they can stay put? haha ouch
p>Pagl who? I forgot he was up there.
p>It was definetly between Capuano and Coakley but the difference, and I think this has been a key differnece between the two since the beginning, is that Capuano comes off as the arrogant heir to the Kennedy thrown while Coaley is a confident leader who brings a different set of skills to the table.
p>Anyone can raise their voice, but I care about authentic leadership and tonight Coakley did a great job explaiing how her two decades of advocacy in the Commonwealth will pay off in Washington.
p>She got specific on all the issues from Afghanistan to Immigration. She fully appreciates the intricacies of each issue and unlike her opponets, she doesn’t huff and puff and shout Kennedy’s name: she explains the muti-facet aspects of the issues and offers the complex, yet realistic and achievable plans of action they deserve.
p>I see. I think the word I’d chose (if I were supporting another candidate) is that Capuano is being “presumptuous” to make the argument that as the only US Congressmen in the race with by requisite liberal credentials, that is the best fit and natural choice.
p>You say arrogant, I say presumptuous. You say thrown I say throne.
that {he} is the best fit and natural choice.
Who did I like most in the debate? Mike Capuano. But I’ll be honest — he’d have had to be pretty bad for me to say otherwise. I bet you liked Coakley the best, eloise…I just betcha…
p>Who do I think won as in got the most long-term benefit from his/her performance in the debate. On that, Coakley won by not losing.
No surprise.
based on that performance closely followed by Coakley.
p>Coakley did well, but I really think she needs to express more emotion. Her tight-mouthed manner of speaking and her unexpressive face can sometimes come of as overly cold.
is what you get
My Public Speaking seniors watched the debate today, knowing virtually nothing about the candidates. Quite of a few of them said they did not like Coakley, that she came across as stern and scary. Some liked the “regular guy” quality of Capuano. Some liked Khazei because he was calm. Not much on Pags. Overall, I’d say they liked Khazei the best, based on their comments.
…was that (well, in my opinion, at least) one of the key reasons that Reid finally came out today with a form of a public option was that it was clear that over 60 members of the House had pledged to vote against any health reform bill that did not contain a public option. Michael Capuano was one of them. He’s a genuine “health care hero”. I think he can legitimately claim at least a significant partial credit for this. In fact I was surprised he didn’t.
p> –Carl Offner
When Khazei was whining that change wasn’t happening in Washington, I couldn’t help thinking “On this day of all days, he’s saying change isn’t happening? The Majority Leader introduced a bill with a public option, and this is the day he says change isn’t happening…there hasn’t been this much change in DC since 1/20/09.”
Had a command that I would be proud to see in a Senator. Coakley offered much of what I already scene: a competent and qualified candidate who is equally on and off the mark. Khazei’s expectations were most likely pretty low to begin with so may have won some over, but nothing overly impressive. Pags had the right answers at times but to the people who watched, he’s certainly more of a side-show.
p>While I’m currently supporting Khazei, Caps made a strong case for me. He demonstrated the command and confidence I want in my senator.
and Martha was clearly the one who ruled the stage- Capuano was arrogant and angry (can he stop using Kennedy’s name?) , Pags was a bit out of his league and Alan khazei was- well- verbose-
Coakley could have strangled a kitten on stage and you would have said she came off looking like an animal lover. Not trying to be rude, just saying that you obviously have very strong feelings for Martha.
While Martha stands up for children and old people, her treatment of kittens was disgusting and beyond the pale. Even though she did strangle both male and female kittens in a display of equanimity, her respect for animal life and humane treatment of cute pets, namely doe-eyed furry helpless kittens, and with such anger, vehemence and arrogance was an offense I will not abide.
You forget that these kittens are solely responsible for the spread of the bubonic plague in our communities. Her strangulation of these preposterously adorable creatures was an incredible show of strength. Don’t you care about our children? Are you pro plague?
p>sorry, I couldn’t resist.
i take a lot of campaign money from the committee for world-wide 0% population growth and Teraflu manufacturer Boache Pharmaceuticals so there’s your answer.
But it has no bearing on the actual debate, as none of the candidates showed the intestinal fortitude to take the coming kitten plague on.
p>In all seriousness. I am obviously partial to Capuano because I like the fact that he is feisty and passionate. And I thought he showed that he will be willing to fight for the issues that I care most about.
p>Coakley didn’t hurt herself, but she didn’t really blow me away, I think she actually said “we will work hard to find good solutions” once. Her diction needs a little work. But hey, I’m partial to the other guy.
i think all four candidates are extremely capable people. Talk about a cross section of talent!
p>Still, the @1 choice is obvious to me… and it’s not the kitty killer… but she runs a close second in my book.
But it has no bearing on the actual debate, as none of the candidates showed the intestinal fortitude to take the coming kitten plague on.
p>In all seriousness. I am obviously partial to Capuano because I like the fact that he is feisty and passionate. And I thought he showed that he will be willing to fight for the issues that I care most about.
p>Coakley didn’t hurt herself, but she didn’t really blow me away, I think she actually said “we will work hard to find good solutions” once. Her diction needs a little work. But hey, I’m partial to the other guy.
p>Can anyone provide examples of words spoken and/or moments that transpired which clearly indicate arrogance and anger? I just don’t see it. I’m open to being convinced.
Honestly- I talked to those around me- even Capuano supporters and they said the same thing. Seems I also read it in either this blog post or one other by a Capuano supporter. Maybe it was more obvious when you were in the room and it didn’t come across on tv?
the only one who came across as dour bordering on angry was Kaz. Martha, even while strangling the male and female kitten, was smiling and seemed to be enjoying herself.
I’ll stop that five moves ahead…that will never be in the bill, so stop even thinking it will happen…that’s not how it works…and on and on and on…
Is that one of those non-specific terms that people use to attack liberals?
First, no one disagreed with the other on substance…
p>Martha babbled through most of the debate, but hit her closing wonderfully. May have moved one or two undecided her way.
p>Cap probably won and lost the same amount of voters with his confidence which bordered on condescending.
p>Khazei lost the most with his windiness and never laid the foundation of why his background makes him a US Senator. Won’t have much more chances…did he peak at Merrimack College last week?
p>Pags, hey at least Khazei will be remembered as the guy that talked to much. Pags never even hit that bar.