You’ve done it this time , pal…you’re on the “big guys” radar screen….for sure the real Ernie ( multi-zillionaire) is asking his minions to find out “Who the f… is this guy???….. ah …the risk of taking the alias of a famous person…. hey EB3 ..good luck… I hope you don’t walk into work and discover you’ve been fired or that a big oak tree just crushed your BMW
Please share widely!
A diary written for sole purpose of personally and harshly attacking a regular participant has no place at BMG!
Jack appears to be wishing Ernie good luck. Perhaps he loathes Howie Carr with a passion, who knows.
Jack12 = Tom’s Opinion = Asa Bearce on Red Mass Group. There’s a history to this guy.
was banned November 19, 2007.
I note Skewl Zombie is back as well.
This comment.
…but I must add that there is a “jack” over at RMG that I’m pretty sure is Asa (and I suspect the original “Ted’s Liver”)
He just changes names each time he gets banned.
p>Kbusch and I documented it last time around. I can dig if you like, but since jack tends to repeat the same themes over and over and over, its easy to find word for word identical posts from each of “them.”
p>In credit to RMG, he’s been banned from there a few times as well.
All of these posters can refer to Massachusetts other than as a “People’s Republik”. Almost no one else has this verbal tic — even on RMG.
“assclown” was my indicator. The guy is so stupid that he doesn’t realize he repeats his same tired talking points and we all know…
…he’s also been known to be very convincing as MCRD’s alter ego.
MCRD is never personal.
I just recall a couple of times when torture was the topic. One would defend torture and the other would come back and basically say how so right the other was. It seemed they had quite the mutual admiration society going and they agreed so much I started to wonder.
Started “their” accounts simultaneously and made a big show of being the same person.
p>I have a number of ways of recognizing this person. He was the original Liver and Center Aisle.
…was always something like “put down your latte cup….and crush out that joint….comrade!”
p>Love the use of ellipses, too.
In context, it’s clearly not meant fondly.
p>Jack12/Asa Bearse/Tom’s Opinion is a big Howie fan, BTW.
The whole thing struck me as mafia-esque threat, albeit I hope and assume not more than rhetorically speaking.