I’ve always had a soft spot for Christy Mihos, the bantam rooster of Massachusetts politics. Somehow, I got on his campaign email list and today the following appeared:
Please join me for a unique opportunity to meet our chief campaign strategist and one of the nation’s best selling authors, Fox News Commentator Dick Morris. Dick is no stranger to Massachusetts government having played a key role in the election of fiscally conservative Governors Ed King and Bill Weld. His daily advice to our campaign has played no less a role in catapulting us to the lead, according to the most recent Rasmussen polling data on the race for governor in the Commonwealth.
Dick. Morris. As someone said on Kos today, “Winning strategies have been crafted by doing the opposite of what he says.” As per his book, Catastrophe, written with Eileen McGann:
“It’s time to take back our country. Now. It’s that simple. It’s that urgent. So begins Dick Morris and Eileen McGann’s latest and most important book. They say that we must act before President Barack Obama fully implements his radical political agenda. Because after Obama has won his war on prosperity and canceled the war on terror, it will be too late to regain our liberty or our security.”
Ah, Christy, I can see the independent voters flocking to your campaign in droves! Great move!
… would lose my vote for hiring Dick Morris.
Morris’ opposite in the Baker campaign is Rob Gray! Isn’t Rob Gray a large reason why Deval is Governor today.
I’m reading “Catastrophe” now. It’s a bit of a tough read, especially the pork projects listed on pp. 10-20.
Morris makes a valid point about drawing us into socialism.
I guess you didn’t vote for Bill Clinton in ’96 then.
To clarify, a Democrat who hired Dick Morris would lose my vote in a contest among Democrats. I’m not going to vote for Bob Dole over any Democrat.
p>I might apply the same rule to Mark Penn — his presence at the Blackwater hearings was my last straw against Hillary. But he’s not nearly as bad as Morris. The two can’t even be compared yet.
Morris was a long-time consultant to Bill Clinton, dating back to his days as Governor of Arkansas, advancing in the Clinton circle to campaign manager in the 1996 reelection campaign.
p>After the 1994 Republican takeover, Morris became the most powerful advisor in the Clinton White House. It wasn’t until the toe-sucking incident two months befor the ’96 election that he was fired.
p>It was a source of some political humor that, in 1994, Morris was a consultant to Clinton, Bill Weld, and Newt Gingrich simultaneously.
p>Penn and Morris were simultaneous Clinton consultants.
But Morris has made a career out of attacking Democrats since then. Penn, a big money lobbyist, has not done that.
p>So they can be compared, but Morris is far more evil.
The Morris thing may be interesting, but I am far more intrigued by the upcoming ‘Christy Live!’ segments.
p>He’s going on-line uncensored via a video hookup, will answer any questions live, and EXPECTS it to get rough and heckle-y. But he also expects people to like being able to ask unexpurgated questions and get off-the-top-of-his-head answer.
p>I find this terrifying. And I like him. But perhaps my head is too far inside my baseball.
Is the trademark office open yet?
Since I didn’t say it.
That Big Dig commercial graphically illustrates not only the big dig but today’s America! I mean that in the broadest possible sense.
A strong, aggressive dog can work wonders in the command of a strong master. The same dog is an uncontrollable menace in the hands of the wrong person.
p>Bill Clinton was and is a master politician. Say what you will about his other strengths and weaknesses, I submit that Bill Clinton brings a level of skill to the game that no other politician in my lifetime has approached. He is to politics what Jimi Hendrix was to guitar (perhaps President Obama is the Stevie Ray Vaughn in that analogy). Bill Clinton was therefore strong and skillful enough to know how to direct Dick Morris. What to use, what to ignore. When to sic him on the opposition, when to rein him in.
p>I am not at all convinced that Christy Mihos — or any other Dick Morris client — is up to the challenge and responsibility of effectively or even safely using Dick Morris.
Two of his OTHER Mass. clients were ‘able’ to use him effectively. Barbara Anderson used Morris in 1980 to help get Prop. 2 1/2 passed (and CLT recommended to Mihos that Morris would do an excellent job). Ed King was able to use the ‘Force’ for ‘Good’.
p>Of course, I admit I AM scared of Barbara Anderson…
The election of Ed King exemplifies the dangers to society of an uncontrolled pit-bull.
I can think of few people who have done more damage to this state or match her willingness to tolerate evil if it lowers her tax rate.
Yes, Barbara Anderson is even worse. I know this is a poor excuse, but it’s really true — I try very hard to avoid even mentioning her whenever possible (much as I do Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck) because I abhor given her any additional publicity and I resent every millisecond of attention she takes from me.