was the Governor referring to the weak and disenfranchised or was he talking about his 8 deputies at the Dept. of Transporatation? I think I would want him to define “vulnerable” before I gave away any of my powers.
Nobody has proven that they don’t deserve the outrageous money they make, the pensions they will probably get or the fact that the 8 FODs (Friends of Deval) replaced 3 Deputies. You have no right to make this accusation without irrefutable proof. Sounds good eh?
p>I tried but BMGers like hack jobs like this and don’t seem to mind cutting things for poor people.
BMGers don’t necessarily like hack jobs, but far too many are forgiving of it, seeing it as the “opportunity cost” of keeping their guy in there. I don’t feel that way, particularly because he ran on the “no more business as usual” platform….and that’s exactly what we got. Romney ethics with different names and faces in the game.
p>And we do mind cutting services for poor people…we just disagree of how to keep the services (the meat) while trimming the fat (the deputies)
9 Million for a gilt edged bridge to Folboro stadium – and 2.7 million in cuts to HOMELESS SHELTERS and removal of DENTURES from medicare?
p>Courts closing, taking 10 weeks to get into court for first temporary orders in a divorce??
p>I am not convinced that the 9C cuts made to date were done thoughtfully.
p>Cutting funding for decicated homeless shelters – and instead marooning families in shelter motels at $3000+ a month? Where is the sense, the compassion, the coordinating planning in THAT?
where’s your proof of all these accusations? How do you know the bridge for Kraft isn’t employing thousands of unemployed people at prevailing wages no less… The court system os only going to get worse with NO ADAs being hired.
p>The cuts so far and the ones still to come are an insult to people from MA. We know there are millions to be saved but when any specifics are brought up they are defended. THE BPS system is fraught with waste and mismanagement but the silence on BMG was deafening. I sleep well at night knowing I care about these things… how do you people?
I guess I was so passionate, and so irate, that I couldn’t even spell!!!
Ignore him. Pissing people off is how he gets his jollies.
p>-D means it was the Governor himself.
was the Governor referring to the weak and disenfranchised or was he talking about his 8 deputies at the Dept. of Transporatation? I think I would want him to define “vulnerable” before I gave away any of my powers.
Nobody has proven that they don’t deserve the outrageous money they make, the pensions they will probably get or the fact that the 8 FODs (Friends of Deval) replaced 3 Deputies. You have no right to make this accusation without irrefutable proof. Sounds good eh?
p>I tried but BMGers like hack jobs like this and don’t seem to mind cutting things for poor people.
BMGers don’t necessarily like hack jobs, but far too many are forgiving of it, seeing it as the “opportunity cost” of keeping their guy in there. I don’t feel that way, particularly because he ran on the “no more business as usual” platform….and that’s exactly what we got. Romney ethics with different names and faces in the game.
p>And we do mind cutting services for poor people…we just disagree of how to keep the services (the meat) while trimming the fat (the deputies)
9 Million for a gilt edged bridge to Folboro stadium – and 2.7 million in cuts to HOMELESS SHELTERS and removal of DENTURES from medicare?
p>Courts closing, taking 10 weeks to get into court for first temporary orders in a divorce??
p>I am not convinced that the 9C cuts made to date were done thoughtfully.
p>Cutting funding for decicated homeless shelters – and instead marooning families in shelter motels at $3000+ a month? Where is the sense, the compassion, the coordinating planning in THAT?
where’s your proof of all these accusations? How do you know the bridge for Kraft isn’t employing thousands of unemployed people at prevailing wages no less… The court system os only going to get worse with NO ADAs being hired.
p>The cuts so far and the ones still to come are an insult to people from MA. We know there are millions to be saved but when any specifics are brought up they are defended. THE BPS system is fraught with waste and mismanagement but the silence on BMG was deafening. I sleep well at night knowing I care about these things… how do you people?
I guess I was so passionate, and so irate, that I couldn’t even spell!!!
Ignore him. Pissing people off is how he gets his jollies.