From an email received from Planned Parenthood earlier today:
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund today announced their endorsement of Martha Coakley in the race to serve as United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
“Martha Coakley will be a leader in the Senate,” said Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts President and CEO Dianne Luby. “She has repeatedly demonstrated her commitment to protecting access to sexual and reproductive health services. We are proud that the Planned Parenthood Action Fund has made this endorsement.”
Coakley is a long-time champion for Planned Parenthood, and her record as a supporter of reproductive health care and freedom goes back decades. Coakley’s involvement in issues of choice includes serving as a member of the Minors Lawyers Referral panel, testifying in support of the Buffer Zone Bill and the Archaic Law Repeal Bill, filing a lawsuit challenging the Bush Administration’s so called “provider conscience rule” and most recently opposing the restrictive Stupak-Pitts amendment.
Has NOW, Emily’s List, or PP ever endorsed a pro-choice male Democrat if there were a pro-choice female Democrat in the same race?
Their clearly stated mission is to support pro-choice Democratic women.
Seriously. It’s a focused mission, they’re up-front about it.
But I don’t know for sure.
p>Either way, this is a good pickup for Martha Coakley.
These abortion groups are single issue groups that want 100% purity on their litmus issue. Frankly I think supporting universal healthcare is a better litmus test for a Democrat. Martha Coakley has wavered in her support of that goal, but this endorsement shows she has never wavered in her pro-abortion views. Hopefully this will liberate Mike Capuano and allow him to vote for health care no matter what the abortion lobby says about the final bill.