Today’s winner: sabutai.
“With Baker, I know what I’m getting”
Yes, there’s a campaign slogan for troubled times…
Yr. Obedient Servant, Peter Porcupine, Republican
by: Peter Porcupine @ Wed Nov 04, 2009 at 11:46:11 AM ESTI didn’t say it was a good thing
If I head into a proctology exam, I know what I’m getting there, too. Come to think of it, I’d be getting pretty much the same thing from Governor Baker…
by: sabutai @ Wed Nov 04, 2009 at 19:13:35 PM EST
Please share widely!
How is the budget shaping up for next year Deval?
p>How many billion short will we be when the budget talks begin?
p>How much is left in the state’s raining day fund (down from $2.5B when you started office)?
p>What are the voters going to think after you ravage the budget around June/July 2010?
p>Yes, Governor Baker will be a wonderful sound to hear.
when we cut taxes!
p>Oh wait…
Maybe he’ll target those pillars of the Democratic party (unions…). Oh wait indeed!
As long as the money is safe, screw the people.
Your line should be “As long as JOHND’s money is safe…”:)
Imagine paying for all the social programs without the disproportionate contributions from “successful” people. An occasional thank you would be nice from “anyone” drinking out of the cups that we fill.
for the public education, public infrastructure, public safety, and the structure of laws, rules, and regulations that were absolutely necessary (though not sufficient) for “you” to be capable of filling a cup.
…somewhere along the line our educational system failed Mr. D.
p>It should trouble all of us.
All of my education was from private schools. So my parents had the joy of paying for all sorts of “rotten” public education and paying for our private education.
p>BTW… all those other public service and safety resources are exactly what I am talking about that us “big” tax payers pay while the lower income people use at a very high proportion and pay very little to NOTHING. I know you don’t like hearing this but it is true.
p>Like most handouts… the recipients these days do very little in the way of thanks to the givers, but certainly raise their voices when their checks arrive late.
without public ed, we wouldn’t live in as productive a society — which means your business wouldn’t have the customer base it has now. It’s not just about educating you, it’s about educating everybody else too, and how that helps you substantially.
p>The lower income people don’t have nearly as much wealth to lose in a robbery or a fire — it’s the wealthy who would suffer the most loss of wealth without these sorts of protections.
p>And so, I concur. Folks like JohnD have been given a massive handout and yet doesn’t give any thanks to the givers, but certainly raises his voice when his tax bill arrives. shrugs
that rose our property taxes. Then he left town with MA and the MA GOP a wreck. No thanks.
Perhaps, if Baker is elected, State Police Officers will earn even more!
Massachusetts is very much like an emphysema victim who fell and broke three ribs and has jsut contracted pneumonia. The prognosis doesn’t look good. Massachusetts
is seriously broken—perhaps not as bad as California, but quickly headed that way. The next governor of whatever party will need to be a miracle worker AND have to deal with a corrupt, inept, ignorant, and self serving legislative body. God bless whover it may be—–The only way I see out of this mess is martial law. If the governor is required to herd cats to essentialy fix what’s broken, he/she can’t do it. If we get the usual mediocre candidates running (our current governor included) it may be wiser to move the hell out and let the federal government pick up the tab.
Those Republicans who show up here on the blue side are certainly coming after us with a “positive message”!
I believe that message is “bend over!”
I pay a huge amount of taxes and it will be going up. The lower income people pay less and less taxes every year but somehow you want to translate that into me boning someone else. How?
Yes, taxes are largely redistributive – get used to it! The whole point of taxes is so that even those who can’t pay for services directly out of their own pockets can still access those services. If I know anything about it a few decades ago the wealthy paid an even larger percentage of their income than they do now, but somehow still managed to stay wealthy. Personally, I (and I expect many lower-income people) would love to have your financial situation, including the tax burden that comes with it, than my own.
Is the Governor contractually bound to hawk his book next year? If there’s anyway to avoid that – he should do so. Just more ammo for the yahoos.