Here are some other observations from the November Building Committee report, which goes directly to Commissioner Howe's staff. While some cottages and buildings were reported to be in neat and clean condition, others were not. A few examples:
Cottage 9: “The loss of familiar staff causes a major upheaval in the emotional physical wellbeing of the residents.” … Due to consolidation, one resident was removed from his bedroom to make way for an incoming resident and was placed “in a space the size of a small storage locker. No consideration at all was or is given to him or the direct care staff who struggle to maneuver wheelchair and lift within this space….”
Cottage 12A: Bathroom — urine on seat and floor….Walls were dirty and shower floors still had scum buildup, same as last report. Shared facility — Kitchen — floor filthy, especially under counters….Sink drain full of garbage. Dishwasher broken…
“Checked all the boys rooms. All looked fairly clean & tidy, but bureaus were a mess. Clothes all mixed up by owner and not just roommates. Clothes from all over the cottage. It's my understanding that this is the Day Supervisor's responsibility…”
Malone Park: ICF-22 — Room # 7 — “One desk, lamp and chair in there. This is the cluster manager's office. What is the scheduled time that she is in there?”
ICF-23 — “… There are reports of residents not attending all work sessions or other events because of inadequate staffing. This is in direct violation of individual ISPs that require specific services and events to be made available.”
My original Post is below:
We assume that Department of Developmental Services Commissioner Elin Howe spends most of her time in her office in Boston.
Yet, in a letter last week to Fernald League President Marilyn Meagher, Howe told Meagher she was wrong in claiming that staffing levels and other conditions are declining at Fernald as the administration hurries to close the facility by next June.
“The staffing ratios within each discipline at Fernald are sufficient to ensure all supports identified in ISPs (residents' individual plans of care) are provided,” Howe wrote in her November 6 letter.
Nevermind that Meagher visits Fernald nearly every day and talks to administrators, staff, family members and guardians there. (She does it without pay, by the way.) Howe knows better what the conditions are like at Fernald.
We beg to differ with Commissioner Howe. Below are just a few excerpts from some recent Fernald Building Representative Committee reports. The Building Representative Commitee consists of Fernald guardians and family members who report on conditions at the facility directly to Howe's staff. Presumably, DDS relies on these reports for at least some of its information about what is going on at Fernald:
- October 4, 2009 Building Committee minutes: “For weeks, ICF-24 has not had enough or even minimal staffing at Site 7 and at #24…”
- September 13, 2009 minutes: “Quality of Life is deteriorating for the residents who live at Fernald now. Especially on weekends. There are no supervisors. Staff come and go as they please. Staffing morale very low. No interactions with residents… Fernald is closing, but the quality of life should be maintained.”
- August 2, 2009 minutes: “News of upcoming layoffs of Direct Care Staff. Right now, not enough direct care staff. So many staff working overtime… People working two shifts is too much. Staff are tired; not alert. Is this the reason for so many accidents and injuries of residents over the past few weeks? Common sense — layoffs of staff and asking staff to work overtime is not a solution.”
- July 5, 2009 minutes: “Fernald grounds are not being kept up. …Beginning to look like a 'shanty town.'”
- June 7, 2009 Commitee minutes: “…the Building Reps. are concerned with the quality of life being held up. They are concerned over loss of staff, (that it has) affected the programs of residents, and not enough staff to do one-on-one, especially on feeding programs…”
I am not including the many observations in these building reports about dirty conditions in rooms and bathrooms, including observations of mold and fungus, insects, uncleaned toilets, and many other problems that are now occuring at Fernald.
What Howe sent Meagher was a standard bureaucratic response to a complaint about serious problems: “Hey, we're in compliance with regulations. There's nothing wrong here.”
Sorry, but that response does nothing to address the concerns that the Fernald League and the Building Commitee have repeatedly raised in recent months. If everything were fine, these critical reports would not be going to the Commissioner's Office, with little or nothing being done to rectify the problems they cite.
This is why we stand by our charge that DDS is moving to close Fernald without sensitivity, respect, or regard for the rights and dignity of the residents and staff still living and working there.
Its fine if the only concern you have is closing the facility. Then everything is just peachy.
p>The Commissioner must think we are new. I find her response insulting to the Fernald League.
p>Ms. Meagher IS at Fernald in various buildings almost daily. She has been active in the Fernald community for decades. Her family member has been at Fernald for decades. She knows what the conditions were when they were bad and she knows what the conditions are when they are good. I personally think she knows every blade of grass on the campus. Likewise, the building committee members are also volunteers who spend signficant amounts of their time at Fernald. They have all been active in the Fernald community, most for decades, they too know when conditions were bad and they know when conditions are good. They are totally familiar with the buildings they survey. To suggest that these dedicated people can’t determine when something is clean or dirty or aren’t cognizant of staffing levels or can’t see if the lawns need to be mowed or something needs to be painted is an insult.
p>Does anyone believe that the conditions they report are fabricated? Does anyone really believe that they take some kind of pleasure in finding and having to report these deteriorating conditions?
p>Who is in the best position to judge here? People who are there daily, who have been monitoring conditions at Fernald for years, and whose only motivation is the well being of the residents. OR a recent addition to the state payroll who is a “hired gun” whose only concern is closing this facility and moving on.
p>When was the last time the Commissioner visited Fernald?
Oh Elin Howe, you scamp. You really thought the Jedi mind trick was going to work, didn’t you?
p>You know how that works…if you repeat a lie often enough, the “little people” will believe it.
p>The Fernald League has been around for decades and they’ve seen this “game” before. the only suprise is that the guy that campaigned on “together we can” didn’t finish the sentence….which is “evict the developmentally disabled residents of state facilities.”
p> Again, I say – with Governor Patrick’s policies towards the profoundly handicapped, medically fragile and developmentally disabled…how is it any different than Romney, Swift, Cellucci and Weld?
The “force” must be out of balance.
The Commissioner provided an unusually fast response (even though it was BS, sorry but thats what it was)to the League’s initial letter regarding the declining conditions. I will be interested to see how fast the response is to the League’s follow up letter and current Building Rep report.