Introduce a 1-sentence bill, as was done on Alberto Gonzales leading to his departure, reading:
“Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary shall investigate fully whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to impeach Jay Bybee for high crimes and misdemeanors.”
The campaign to recruit cosponsors on that would galvanize the national community of lovers of justice, which includes at least 2/3 of Americans.
Restoring the threat of impeachment to our system of government, and doing it now – doing it the day the OPR Report on the torture lawyers comes out – would work wonders.
Already on record supporting Bybee’s impeachment or resignation are: Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Senator Russ Feingold, the New York Times, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Courage Campaign, Progressive Democrats of America, Bruce Fein, Common Cause,, People for the American Way, The World Can’t Wait, ThinkProgress, Crooks and Liars, Digby, Scott Horton, After Downing Street,, Jeremy Scahill, Dave Lindorff, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Senator Patrick Leahy, American Freedom Campaign, National Lawyers Guild, John Podesta, MoveOn, Veterans for Peace, National Accountability Network, Code Pink, Velvet Revolution, and the Salt Lake Tribune.
Let the legislature move this issue forward. Without the compliant lawyers in the OLC, Cheney could not have gotten his “torture is not torture” fig leaf legal opinions.
p>Some of my favorite advocates include;
Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Senator Russ Feingold, the New York Times, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Courage Campaign, Progressive Democrats of America, Bruce Fein Republican that he is, Common Cause,, People for the American Way, The World Can’t Wait, ThinkProgress, Crooks and Liars, Digby, Scott Horton, After Downing Street,, Jeremy Scahill, Dave Lindorff, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Senator Patrick Leahy, American Freedom Campaign, National Lawyers Guild, John Podesta, MoveOn, Veterans for Peace, National Accountability Network, Code Pink, Velvet Revolution, and the Salt Lake Tribune, David Swanson and Congressman Mike Capuano.
If it were a surety or even a significant possibility that congress members did things they talk about, the world would be a better place đŸ™‚ No, of course, nobody has introduced the bill I’m advocating that someone should introduce. Congress is indeed a confusing creature.
You’ve got several congresspeople already on your list. Surely one of them has already introduced the bill you’re talking about? Also, wouldn’t it be more effective for a Rep actually on the Judiciary committee to introduce such a bill?
If the point is to galvanize people why don’t we go after someone whose name people might recognize. If I had to look up who this guy is I strongly suspect most Americans have never heard of him. Despite being out of office and not likely to seek office again, either Bush or Cheney would make good targets if for no other reason than to shine a spotlight on what happened.
and will be indefinitely. Whereas B&C are out.
…how in the world did he ever get confirmed as a judge in the first place?
to teach Americans the possibility and value of impeaching someone who’s out of office — nobody has that kind of time đŸ™‚