but right about Deval.
I got suckered into thinking this skinny guy from Chicago with Harvard pedigree was different than Deval. He had substance
You know the ole saying, “Like is hazy”. It’s the poor cousin of “love is blind”.
And I liked him. Was I concerned about the 20 zillion present votes cast as a state senator? Sure. If I were a fellow senator I would really really really hate him. But I wasn’t.
And of course his background tying him in to the farthest of the far left in this country that operate within the mainstream. You know what I mean, those Mass Alliance types.
Now of course he hasn’t lived up to anyone’s personal expectations. But after reading about and viewing clips of Attorney General Eric Holder’s testimony on Capitol Hill yesterday I suddenly got a big pit in my stomach.
Have we elected as our President a tin ear-prima-dona-unproductive-self-obsessed-neighborhood-activist who has believed his press clippings since seventh grade?
He ran for U.S. Senate like Scott Brown is running now. Basically a joke. (Nothing personal Scott) Then the incumbent was found in bed with a dead boy (or something like that) right before election. The field was already set so the seat was his.
If this was MA it could have been Steve Murphy or a Brockton mayor or something. Talk about a roll of the dice. I would have already despised him for the many present votes.
And now it is apparent his Attorney General, a crony from the past, is unqualified for the job.
The lawyer for the people was completely un-prepared and embarrassed the administration and his clients. Us.
Hey Eric, as we all know ninety percent of life is showing up. It’s probably worked great for you 90% of the time. Unfortunately yesterday was one of the ten per centers and it couldn’t of happened at a worse time, huh General?
… who, after Theo Epstein’s first Opening Day, dissed every player Theo had signed, including future World Series MVP Mike Lowell.
p>Patience, Ernie. This aint gonna be easy.
Holder’s performance causes concern.
I just disagree. I’ve been watching Holder pretty closely, and I think he seems like a serious guy who’s committed to doing the right thing on this.
p>But — I didn’t see yesterday’s appearance, so I don’t really know how bad it was.
Or not. I can’t really tell. Maybe it’s Obama because he caught a break on his second run for state Senate, and he went to the same college as Deval Patrick.
p>FWIW, Holder is like Arne Duncan…when Obama was filling out his Cabinet and people were introduced as basketball pick-up partners first, vocational qualifications second, I grew worried. So far, Holder’s enthusiastic defense of anti-LGBT discrimination, and assaulting church-state separation is notable.
Obama attended Occidental for his undergrad work, then transferred to Columbia.
p>Arne Duncan was specifically chosen for the educational policies he espouses; Holder was chosen in part for his legal conservatism (not the same as the political version). His statements are parsed in the sense that an attorney would write an analysis, and should be read as such.
p>For both political and constitutional reasons, I have no objections to churches inserting themselves in politics, so long as they use no governmental resources in the process.
p>Holder has aggressively defended the Bush/Obama practice of funneling tax revenue to organizations that hire and fire based on religion, and use charity as a bribe for conversions or forced church attendance.
p>As for Holder and Duncan, they were both relatively undistinguished in their fields, until plucked from obscurity for Obama’s Cabinet/starting five.
…but my understanding of the various government-funded faith-based programs is that the federal money goes to separate, segregated accounts, and that the programs funded from those accounts can neither proselytize nor discriminate in their application or administration.
…and forgive me for cut-n-pasting an earlier such discussion:
p>The budget two-step (6.00 / 1)
Familiar to everyone who’s been to town meeting.
p> 1. Obama’s office directs $300,000 tax money to Xtian Outreach, Inc.
2. Xtian Outreach cuts “feeding the poor” budget by $300K
3. Xtian Outreach raises “proselytizing” budget by $300K
4. Obama’s (really, my and yours) $300K goes to “feeding the poor” budget
p>Of course, it’s an easy fix to make sure that doesn’t happen, and most grants have fixes like that in it. Obama’s religion grants don’t.
He does by far the most constituent service work on the Council.
That’s all I’m saying. What if Murphy took on John Kerry because he enjoys pain. Then a month before the election Kerry is found in bed with the dead boy.
p>Presto! Murphy’s senator. Then a cult like following grows for him and convinces the country he should be President. He wins and then what?
p>His skill set at getting curbs cut and showing up at Florian Hall for cold cut spreads has no place in the White House.
p>This is the scenerio I propose that gor Obama into the Senate and White House. A community activist who got elected to the state senate. We have had plenty of them over the years.
p>Steve Murphy wasn’t one of them, just a local poll I chose as an example.
What was so bad about Holder’s comments? Should we be “scared” of something KSM might say at trial?
or provide the wrong link perhaps?
p>When asked about precedent by Linsey Grahem he sounded like an eighth grader who didn’t do the reading. Much worse then a law student.
p>And comnpletely unacceptable for the US A.G.
In my view, Eric Holder and Barack Obama said exactly the right thing and are doing exactly the right thing. I am, frankly, bewildered by the apparent intensity of your fear, doubt, and insecurity. I’m greatly relieved to see our President and Attorney General acting like Americans again.
p>Thanks for the clip, though. I particularly enjoy Rachel Maddow’s analysis and the follow-up interviews.
p>I never saw that coming…