Nope, she wasn't the designated driver for Senator Anthony “Drunk as a Skunk” Galluccio, instead Alexandra Kerry herself, the daughter of the Massachusetts Senior United States Senator, was busted for driving under the influence in Los Angeles, CA early this morning.
For more information read the story from the Boston Herald and Boston Globe which broke the news:
Please share widely!
Doesn’t matter? No kiddin’.
What’s the difference between Alex Kerry and Galluccio. Both of these people live in the public spotlight and by getting behind the wheel last night, Kerry’s daughter risked the lives of other people.
Between the two people, that is.
p>He is an elected official; she is related to one.
One is an elected official with a prior record who left the scene of an accident in which there was a serious injury, hours after being driven home because he was too drunk to drive. The other did not fail a breathalyzer test.
p>Quit while you’re behind.
p>Every news report I’ve seen says she was arrested on “suspicion of DUI” not DUI.
p>Additional questions: Did she resist arrest or cause a public disturbance? Does she live at home? Is she an adult? Is she running for political office?
Find a place where I mentioned the progeny of Bush or Palin. People are at best marginally responsible for the actions of their adult children.
…but the only people so far who have mentioned and engaged in “attacking” politicians’ children are conservatives. Really, is this the best that’s left for your folks?
“A liberal did something wrong once” has always been her M.O.
Alex is 36!
p>Galluccio had multiple DUIs and is a politician. He also left the scene of an accident to avoid a breathalyzer. Alex Kerry cooperated fully. And, as you conveniently left out, was well below the limit.
If this WERE….
How about Joe Biden’s Motorcade getting into three car crashes in the last week. In one of these crashes, a pedestrian was killed by the VP’s motorcade. If Gallucio wasn’t Joe’s driver maybe it was Alex Kerry.
It was only “Joe Biden’s motorcade” in the sense that the cars are in a pool reserved for Joe.
p>In the second crash, it was the NYPD , not Joe Biden’s motorcade:
p>In the third incident, it was a woman trying to pass the motorcade who hit someone:
One account of the story is here.
p>Joe Biden was not in any of the vehicles, it had nothing to do with him. The President and Vice President need motorcades with extensive Secret Service and police protection. This means that accidents will and do happen. During a Democratic administration, they will happen for whoever the Democratic Vice President or President happens to be.
p>From this piece we learn of the following other accidents involving presidential motorcades:
p>While you are free to fully exercise your first amendment rights by posting such nauseating rubbish here, I hope you won’t mind if at least some of us call this the disgusting slime that it is.
p>I encourage you take this kind of garbage where it is more welcome. Perhaps our other-winged friends at the redmassgroup might be more receptive.
you should retire your pseudonym.
p>and it would be wrong in both cases. National Enquirer journalism is reprehensable, irrespective of ideology.
“Why am I being punished from throwing a spitball? He threw a spitball, too!!”
Although I would hardly call Andrew Sullivan “the Left”.
went after Sarah Palin for her hypocrisy when she talked about her daughter’s “choice” to keep the baby.
p>Palin is also subject to criticism for parading her family on stage, including the father of her bastard grandchild, who will not be invited to Thanksgiving notwithstanding Sarah Palin’s happy talk about the issue on the Oprah show.
Just don’t let Bob hear. 😉
was questioning how the evangelical right, who were among Palin’s biggest supporters, would react. The fact is it is amazing how much they were willing to overlook or even turn ino a virtue.
p>The fact is that no one on the left was going to vote for Palin – because she was very right wing. I think there is some transference going on here – the right preferred to blame the left for attacking Palin on this, when in fact it was their own concern that it was a problem.
And I’m not sure what good it does to use it here. A bit unnecessarily nasty, Neilsagan.
Bastard as in “out of wedlock,” not a the pejorative.
Please pass this along to all the liberals here on BMG that we will be openly referring to these children as BASTARDS! You sound like Jay Severin.
As even Palin says, the McCain campaign made the announcement that she was pregnant and Sarah and Todd were happy that she had decided to carry the baby. It immediately became a “My daughter and I are living our values” moment, with SP speaking of not aborting a Down Syndrome baby and BP having a baby at 17.
p>The fact is they dared the left to say anything, waiting to say we were hypocritical because we didn’t (per them) condemn having a baby out of wedlock.
p>The fact is that a Democrat with a pregnant 17 year old – especially if she were a mother, would have had a much rougher time than Palin had.
her BAC was .06.
I think her appearance at the Cannes premier of “Kill Bill II” was far more appealing story.
Just keep her away from ARod.