That’s right — there’s a debate this morning! (Who knew? Shouldn’t these things be better publicized?) It’s being streamed and live-blogged on the Herald’s website. But my live-blog will be better. đŸ˜‰
Live-blogging the Herald/Suffolk Senate debate
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Students chewing gum, trying desperately to stay awake…even saw pollster Dave Paleologus catching a few winks in row 2…
p>If I were Khaz, I wouldn’t count on the students to storm the barricades for him…they seem very tired and disconnected…maybe they were getting credit for showing up.
p>As for news value…nothing new here…move on…
Did anybody experience the trouble I had with the connection cutting in and out?
p>From what I saw, the following questions applied:
p>1. Has Khazei adopted a holier-than-thou attitude, specifically in reference to the issue of college tuition and Afghanistan?
p>2. Is Capuano really the only candidate with the experience of borrowing to pay college tuition bills?
p>3. Did Coakley really equate large student loans with the $12 trillion fed deficit????
p>4. Did Coakley really say the best thing Bush did was raise his twin daughters???????????
p>5. Did Pagliuca say anything original????????
p>6. Did this debate do anything to change anything?
so maybe it was your internet speed? Dunno.
p>Anyway, to answer your questions:
p>1. He definitely is of the view that he’s the only one who has offered a comprehensive plan on Afghanistan. As to whether that constitutes a “holier than thou” approach, YMMV.
p>2. As a parent, yes, because he’s the only one with kids old enough to have borrowed for college. Pags has at least one high-school age kid, but he obviously will not have to worry about college loans; Khazei’s kids are young; Coakley doesn’t have kids. Khazei did talk about coming out of law school with loans.
p>3. I missed that, but you might be right.
p>4. Yes she did. That was a weird answer for a variety of reasons. IMHO Khazei gave by far the best answer on that question — he came up with several really good examples of things that the Bush administration actually did do very well.
p>5. If so, I think I must’ve missed it.
p>6. IMHO no.
Who’s out there supporting a troop increase?
p>As for the “comprehensive plan”, please, what’s original. I see all candidates with a similar position.
Anyone is arguing that “comprehensive” is synonymous with “original”. The issue is that his plan is more comprehensive than the ones other candidates have laid out. Does that mean that if the other candidates did lay out a plan it would be different? No. It’s just the point that he is the only one to not only make a major policy speech on Afghanistan, but the only one who has taken the time to lay out a “comprehensive” strategy.
p>Take that for whatever you’d like.
I still see nothing that stands out with concerns to Afghanistan that warrants the attention he brings to it.
in a very small poll of the students that the herald took Capuano did very good what this means or if the turn out is up in the air