Surpassing the campaign convention of public address, Martha Coakley took the day to connect and understand, on a personal level, the needs of hard-working constituents.
Attorney General Martha Coakley spent a day shadowing a home health care worker named Monica as part of the SEIU program “Walk a Day.” The program was created to give politicians a better understanding of the everyday challenges workers and their families face in America. Martha worked with Monica to care for Maureen, a consumer with MS.
Coakley received the critical endorsement from the SEIU local council, representing five unions and 60,000 workers. This week she also recieved an endorsement for The Massachusetts Nurses Association.
For being leader on issues important to workers and working families, including protecting workers rights, fighting for quality and affordable health care, thank you, Martha.
Is this a post to Blue Mass Group.. or Martha’s newest campaign ad? This polished press release seems like a funny thing to read here.. or maybe I don’t understand the purpose of Blue Mass Group.
I don’t think this post reads like a press release. But in any event, people can post pretty much whatever they like (within reason). Certainly, lots of press releases have been posted at BMG.
p>We can both thank demredsox for taking the time to verify before opining.
p>At the least t.eloise should ” ” the cribbed text, if not use blockquote, and t.eloise should provide a link.
…started beeping on the first paragraph. Other diaries from this person have sounded similar. This isn’t horrible by itself, but maybe we should ask if there is an undisclosed connection between the diarist and the campaign.
than a press release. that said, if the language is copied, it should be credited.…
p>”Attorney General Martha Coakley spent a day shadowing a home health care worker named Monica as part of the SEIU program ‘Walk a Day.’ The program was created to give politicians a better understanding of the everyday challenges workers and their families face in America. Martha worked with Monica to care for Maureen, a consumer with MS.”
p>”The endorsement came after Martha spent a day shadowing a home health care worker named Monica as part of the SEIU program “Walk a Day.” The program aims to give politicians a better understanding of the everyday challenges workers and their families face in America. Martha worked with Monica to care for Maureen, a consumer with MS.”
p>Generally not the best form–nothing wrong with posting what are basically press releases, but I just don’t think it’s a very convincing tone, and there should probably be links/citations. It doesn’t look great for a supporter to have to go onto the website and lift language–these are certainly good endorsements, with things to write about that are not recycled.
learn about crediting sources especially when cribbing actual language?
p>I don’t think it’s fair to Martha to lay plagiarism by her supporters at her feet. I’m sure Martha abides by the responsible practice of attribution. I do think it’s fair however to form an opinion about these supporters.
Not blaming the campaign at all.