Today is Day 1 of the state’s new unified transportation agency, MassDOT, which replaces a whole bunch of other agencies including perhaps most notably the Turnpike Authority, now consigned to the dustbin of history. Not a moment too soon, I’d say. Here’s a welcome message from Transportation Secretary (and BMGer) Jeff Mullan, who heads MassDOT.
Please share widely!
Were eliminated? Better yet, how many hacks were added?
precisely who ought be considered a hack, I do think it is a fair question.
p>Perhaps phrased differently:
p>How many people in the management structure who were made redundant due to this merger will be terminated? How many non-management (engineers, administrative staff, and all other other run-of-the-mill employees) will be terminated?
p>If the answer is “None!” then what other lower costs or increased services can we expect as a result of the newly-found efficiencies?
In name, perhaps. How many were laid off? Just retiring the name and putting the same staff under a new management group doesn’t do much. Dump the tolls, end to end, not this pandering to the western part of the state that we usually get, and finance and operate the Pike like what it is – just another highway in the Commonwealth’s network. It doesn’t need the staff of employees it has, any more than 24, 93, 128 or 91 do, and they don’t have entrenched organizations feeding at the toll trough.
I had to delete JohnD’s comment on this thread, not because of content, but because some random HTML in it was causing the page to load very strangely, putting the end of his comment at the top of the page. I have no idea what could cause that; JohnD, feel free to repost.