Newton Mayor-Elect Setti Warren (joined by his opponent Ruth Balser) and Fall River Mayor-Elect Will Flanagan endorsed Martha Coakley for US Senate yesterday.…
It was the second endorsement gained by Coakley from a mayor-elect Friday, as she visited Fall River after picking up the support of Setti Warren, who was elected mayor in Newton the same day Flanagan won his election. In announcing his support, Flanagan said Coakley is the candidate who will ensure a health care plan that will be done both “effectively and responsibly,” adding she will also be the one to work for lower energy costs and insure the country’s energy needs are met.
Great grassroots endorsements from local elected officials. In a race that will be determined by low voter turnout (if the Suffolk poll is correct) the active endorsements of candidates that ran turnout elections less than 2 weeks ago can only help.
As our U.S. senator, Attorney General Martha Coakley will fight for the people of the commonwealth of Massachusetts,” Flanagan said. “As the mayor-elect, I stand before you today and without any reservation I strongly believe there is only one candidate with the knowledge, passion and experience to be our next U.S. senator.”…
Balser said she and Warren had been in communication with the Coakley campaign and each other before coming out with the endorsement, and that she would be talking with her supporters and encouraging them to support Coakley. She’s worked with Coakley over the years, and said they share the same priorities for the state.
“I have tremendous respect for Attorney General Coakley,” Balser said. “She’s a real leader, and smart and compassionate.”…
Coakley Picks up more local, probably more valuable endorsements
p>Mentioning Pelosi for Capuano; Mike Bloomberg for Khazei and ends by saying:
p>”Something tells me Coakley will have a big advantage in Newton and Fall River, although she could struggle to beat Capuano in San Francisco and Khazei in New York.”
Won’t endorse Martha. He’ll endorse who McMurray tells him to.
You remember him, the guy you were dissing before he kicked ass in a 4-way race with 50% of the vote. Actually he works for Jim McGovern, who has endorsed MIke Capuano, so I would suspect a Capuano endorsement from Worcester’s Mayor-Elect. And that will be a boost for Congressman Capuano’s campaign.
p>Since I know you know but will do this for fun anyway, it’s Tim MURRAY,you know the elected Lt. Governor. And yes he backed Joe O’Brien. But since the LT hasn’t endorsed in the US Senate race, Jim McGovern will get the credit if O’Brien endorses.
p>You must be enjoying the weather lately, you live under a dark cloud anyway.
On his win. Nobody notices my nice posts. A lot of my young friends like him. I just don’t like him in my personal dealings with him. I consider him a smarmy underhanded little twerp.
Now for the big one: Jimmy MCgovern and Tim MURRAY, spells MCMURRAY, get it? I hope so. Good comedy is lost on you folks unless its a Republican bearing the brunt of the joke.
Spent the afternoon, despite the rain, delivering Coakley lawn signs with Lynpb in Arlington and Burlington. Phonebanking tomorrow.
this Sunday for Martha. One of 5 city door-knocks across the state for the Coakley for US Senate today.